Create a blog with WordPress the world's biggest online website maker. Blogging is this year's revenue builder for anyone wanting an adventure
Is blogging for you?
First of all, blogging is a career move, it will take time and effort over a long period of time to get any sort of traction. You will need a niche or center of excellence in which to pursue your goal of being an expert in the field, read and follow.
Furthermore, you will need an understanding of SEO, Keywords, and structure to ensure your content is as good as it can be.
Finally, you will learn about advertising, marketing, and achieving returns that make all your effort worthwhile and put copious amounts of money into your bank.
There are no limitations to this medium, it is as open-ended as you can make it and you can become a wealthy authority sitting at home solving the world's problems.
Finally, you can build a real business that can be on-sold at a huge margin. For instance, Huffington Post started as a blog site and now turns over about us$ 2.3 million a month. John Wu a 22-year-old Chinese Blogger offloaded his site for a reported us$15 million
Now if you are still with me and not frightened off by all the effort required we will start to make it easy for you.
Create a blog with WordPress with your own site.
First of all, you need a website
While this is standard stuff many of you will be unsure of where to start. I will do a brief summary for the new members and others can skip this bit and move on to more interesting stuff.
First of all, you need a name, it can be your name or a subject, even something kinky.
Billblog, Fencepost sitting, and What to do with a fence post are examples.
The name is then attached to a dot com or dot net and even a county code like .com.UK
You search for these at a domain host like until you find what you want.
an example is
That domain name is yours for as long as you pay the annual fees, importantly you can move that to any Web Hosting company that you want. A web host is a bit like a post office looking after your mail. I use Wealthy Affiliate for many reasons however at this link you will get free hosting for one site and a whole lot more training for free.
Now you have a domain name
A hosting company
The fun starts from here.
What is WordPress?
Basically, WordPress is a template on which you can build a website. It was started out as a free product that anyone can access and use, change or upgrade. Importantly you don't need to understand coding to use it. It is a very simple system that anyone can achieve a good result.
WordPress is used for a majority of websites both small and top 100 users.
There are two WordPress operations and they are explained here. is the popular content management system (CMS) that you always hear about. This is the real WordPress, and it is 100% free. It is often referred to as self-hosted WordPress. When you hear things like you can create any type of website in WordPress with plugins and custom themes, this is the WordPress people are talking about. is a web hosting service that offers a stripped-down version of WordPress to make it easy for you to blog. You don’t get all the WordPress goodies like plugins, custom themes, etc.
These are simply attachments to WordPress to make your life easy. Every site has different needs so you just pick what you want. Most are free however you can pay a small amount for special ones. In some cases, you may start free and later upgrade to a pro version to get more. I do this with my SEO. More later on this
Again these are often free however you can pay for those designed for a purpose that suits you.
Your theme is a template that sets out your page, it usually comes with a picture at the top and a structure to follow. This site has a free theme called General Press that achieves what I want.
This is a huge benefit of WordPress, with so many users worldwide there are answers to every problem. There are groups, pages, and companies all waiting to help with your problems.
Create a blog with WordPress or pay money.
Other ways besides WordPress to build a blog
The list is long and usually expensive however it is based on needs. Every day you will be looking at websites and wondering how they achieve all these wonderful effects. Many will be made with WordPress however a lot will be professionally created with a result in mind.
For blogging and small business, WordPress is the way to go. When you want to make changes you log in and do it without the need to call someone else. This saves time and creates a better overall result.
Websites cover many interesting areas. You are reading a basic blog site that finds a problem explains the issues and comes to a conclusion.
It could be a virtual shop site packed with products and a way to order online and pay for the goods.
Maybe a Funnel, this is a sales method that captures a wide range of issues and gradually takes you to a buy now position, usually with an incentive and a limited offer campaign. The most famous is Click Funnels at about $200 a month, like anything it is worth it if it works.
How to make money by blogging
The idea behind blogging may very well be to help others, and it is something you like doing but let's face it money does help.
The amount of money you can make is unlimited however making money takes time to build a following and a real business.
You can sell your product. If you have products to sell there is no better way of promotion than telling people about them.
You can sell someone else's product. Affiliate marketing is the product of the twenties and by simply referring customers you make an income.
You can allow advertising on your site. That's right others run ads on your site and you get paid for several different ways
Pay per click, pay per sale, per advert, popups, and all sorts of income.
Selling a membership allows a permanent income. A membership list is a great way to build a regular income.
Charging others to blog for them. Blogging takes time and many business owners will readily outsource the process.
Create a blog with WordPress and build a real career.
Where to start a blogging career?
This is an easy answer because I have been there and done it. There are many rules to blogging and if you don't understand them you will be lost at sea.
Things like how many words are in a blog, the use of keywords, SEO, structure, content, headings, what not to do, and what you must do form part of the building blocks.
You can have a look at Wealthy Affiliate for free and pick up your website while you are there. A lot of training is included so you make the decisions should you want to be a paid-up member at a time to suit you.
There is no pressure selling ideas and no hidden upgrades to consider.
Go to the member's site and see what others have to say, read the reviews and what is working, and adapt it to your model. We are all different with various aims in life so choose your path and run with it, but run on a paved track not wandering in the jungle.
Do you need to worry about scams?
Great scams are everywhere with outstanding pictures, compelling content, and unbelievable offers.
As you start your journey the biggest problem is staying on a fixed path. Opportunities will jump out at you and you will wander aimlessly trying to follow them. For just a few dollars they will guarantee you success and I will guarantee you will need to pay more money, then some more into a cycle of deceit. We have all been there because they are very clever and they use emotional hooks to drag you into the fold.
Don't pay out money until you have proof that you are getting good value for your Dollar. This business is costly in both time and money and you must manage both to ensure you get a great return. Remember this every time you are tempted to stray.
WordPress is easy to use
When WordPress did a recent upgrade to a new block building product called Gutenberg or WP 5 many people got scared of the changes.
The upgrade was pretty radical however it was really only coming up to the competitors' product sets.
My method was to start a free blog on Wealthy Affiliate and then use every block that I could.
When you click on any box, and this is just one of many pages your WordPress blog is ready for you to add data. For example, the above is an image and you are now reading a paragraph that started with a heading.
All or any coding is done for you so that you just add words or pictures.
It took me a while to get used to this and the post I produced was not all that pretty however I soon discovered just how easy it was to do.
Create a blog with WordPress and use a plugin.
A question often asked is the length of a blog or the number of words you need to write. Here I give you some answers.
The use of Yoast SEO in WordPress
Yoast SEO is w a WordPress plug-in that does a lot of your heavy lifting. It comes free with a paid upgrade which I use.
Improvements (1)
- Passive voice: 12.3% of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of 10%. Try to use their active counterparts.
Good results (6)
- Consecutive sentences: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!
- Subheading distribution: Great job!
- Paragraph length: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!
- Sentence length: Great!
- Transition words: Well done!
- BetaWord complexity: You are not using too many complex words, which makes your text easy to read. Good job!
- This is a copy of the Yoast writing report for this page, it really helps with your content to meet the google requirements of content building. These are the things you must do to have a chance of being read. This is a plugin on WordPress and attaches to everything you do so you can easily make changes along the way.
The Yoast SEO report
Yoast also runs an SEO report showing items that should be done, you can adjust any red dots as you go along with clear instructions on what to do. In this example, I was plodding along quite well with a green scorecard which is not always the case.
These two items will really help your results and are only available with WordPress. They take a lot of guesswork away from you and help your blog with the champions.
Understanding these items is also easy as Yoast contains a lot of training and support so that you can not go wrong.
Create a blog with WordPress conclusion
This is not a conclusive summary of a long subject. however, I have tried to provide a good overview so that you can further advance your impact on the internet.
After a while, many of these considerations become part of the daily writing and you will be happy to see a perfect score card.
They are however just tools to assist in your effort and the content is your responsibility.
Keywords are another critical aspect and should be understood before you write a word
Blogging becomes an obsession and a way of life.
It can be to build a business, just a hobby, or a need to help other people. I choose all three as my objective and complete a blog every three days or so.
Where to start? Have a passion, learn to build a website, understand basic SEO and pen your first words on a journey to fame.
Create a blog with WordPress by Peter Hanley
Google keywords search trends