9 Stages to writing a Blog. Wordcount

9 Stages to writing a Blog Wordcount There is an answer to this question however like all things it is open to a broad debate

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

How many words should be in a blog?

The answer is very simple, as many as required to answer a question. However,
a blogger's life is not quite that easy and it comes with many exceptions.

For instance; explaining the rise of the Roman Empire may take half a book yet
what year did the Roman empire commence is a pretty short answer?

You would expect a longer blog would get more readers however with
attention-deficit readers perhaps this is not quite true.

9 Stages to writing a Blog. Wordcount wants quality over quantity

Google wants quality over quantity

Of course, this is true because keeping readers on the page is essential
however Mr. Google wants a bet each way. In a recent article by Neil Patel,
who is someone that knows his stuff, it turned out that posts of 2500
words to 3000 words got the most traffic.

Most sites, or my perceived average, were around 1000 words so many
of us are doing it wrong.

The main thing is content and answering a question or solving a problem.

Hub Spot, a quality source of information looked at several types of
blogs and made a difference between them

  1. Blogs for SEO
  2. Link gathering blogs.

Blogs for SEO scored best when they had over 2100 words each so that
would mean writing longer essays. However, 30% of the top blogs were
under 1500 words so go figure.

Next were Affiliate style blogs and would you believe those with 2500
words were in the top 50

But that research was way back in 2019 so I went looking for more
recent comments because we all know that things change quickly.

I went to Wix.com builders of websites and people that should have a
good eye on things.

9 Stages to writing a Blog. Wordcount and no big changes

No big changes it seems

After in-depth industry research and analyzing our very own results
from the Wix Blog, we’ve found that the ideal blog post length is
between 1,500 – 2,500 words, with a sweet spot right at 2,450.
When you stay within this average, your articles are more likely
to rank higher on search engines, get more social media shares
and backlinks.

Therefore the stars are beginning to line up and tell us to write more to get more.

That however is not the end of the story.

The original 500-word blog is thought to now lack authority and has certainly
fallen out of favor.

Anything up to 1500 words is starting to get attention and gain some
backlink attention from others so it must be considered an OK length.

1700 to 2100 words in a post will get you some SEO love and will be
among the ” How To” like posts and will be pretty competitive with other

2500 Plus is the Golden point where the Gods align and you get all the
gifts that blogging can bring. However, it is not a must-do if you like short
and to the point.

Readers are attention deficit in many cases so that would reason that
long-form will lose them halfway down the page and this could well
be the case. However, Wix will argue that time on page is a big SEO plus.

They go on to say that more words mean more authority a ranking
factor that also builds your SEO credence.

However, Yoast comes in to say anything over 500 words can be acceptable
provided you do not continue to publish thin content.

I got BlogSpot to finish this debate with the following

While longer blog posts tend to perform the best, that's not to say
that every single blog post you publish must be more than 2,000
words. If you feel you've covered your topic well enough in 300, 800,
or 1,000 words, then so be it.


9 Stages to writing a Blog. Wordcount is a piece of string

9 Stages to writing a Blog. Wordcount

9 stages to writing a blog with Neil Patel

We can thrash the issue of page content
to no avail

We are talking about a piece of string, if it is long enough to hold the knot then
it holds the content.

In reviewing my last month of posting I averaged 1550 words a post with a
high of 4200 and a low of 800 over 20 articles.

I did this as I find that balance helps. If you are writing long articles and doing
proper research your content input will be much lower.

Not every article you submit will rank well. If half do the job you are doing
quite well. Remember that content is just one of the ranking factors if you
mess up your Keyword, as an example, your great content will languish
down around the dungeon pages.

9 Stages to writing a Blog. Wordcount and authority

When page authority is really important

The better your established authority the better that Google will help you
with page positions. Lawyers come first in legal matters and Doctors on
medical issues. they are both jumped by schools and universities and so

the circle continues.

You can buy into authority by referencing it with your links and information
that quotes Food sources. You piggyback on others to show that your
material is well referenced and should rank up there with the best of them.
Interestingly Wikipedia is a great reference host it is seen to be an authority
because it is built on public submissions. Therefore using it to back up a
word or fact can create a facade for Google

There is a Middle ground in blog writing

Some of these questions on blog length depend on what you are trying to achieve.

  • Traffic gathering as a prime motive
  • SEO and first-page positions
  • Linking to affiliate sites or other sales pages
  • building a following
  • Part of a series
  • Your Product Reviews
  • Sales documents

There is an adage in marketing that states when someone is interested in
a product they want as much information as they can get.

A good example of this is in Motor Vehicle advertising. Here the manufacturers
advertise a feeling that the car can deliver. From bush bashing to yuppie
young, it is really “Oh what a feeling” as one car company states.

However when you decide this is what you want then you will read
comparisons, product brochures, motoring write-ups anything you can
get your hands on. You simply can't get enough information.

9 Stages to writing a Blog. Wordcount and length of aq blog

The reader dictates the length of a Blog

If this is true then why would you not write for the reader? You will never
write four thousand words on how to manage a bow tie however looking at
formal wear in this century will take you to the very extremes of writing.

Remember always that content is King however the readers rule the
dynasty so cater to their every need.

p stages to blog writing

Building your writing to read in a certain well-established way can help
readers stay fixed until the end.

  • Grab their attention
  • Build a whole bundle of interest
  • Create a burning desire
  • Close the deal

There are different words for this however it was originally tagged the
AIDA principle for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

Do you answer a question at the start or
end of a blog?

The answer is either depending on how the question is structured.
If a question was asking about the Birthdate of George Harrison the answer
is pretty straight forward 25 February 1943

However, if the question was who is the youngest and oldest Beatle you may
start with Ringo and end with George.

A good story keeps readers interested throughout the page so plan on
keeping them as long as possible.

Summary of Blog length

Finding your sweet spot in blogging is a matter of trial and error however
the stars do align at a figure of over 1500 words a blog to gain maximum

The balance is proven by the experts that use a critical recording of the
performance on which to build their opinions.

I never trust just one consideration because many writers are pushing
their barrow. Therefore I like to gather a consensus. Here I have used
Neil Patel, Wix, Blogspot, Yoast, and Google to give you a fair representation
so that you can make your informed decision.

Remember that Content is just one part of the formula for success so treat it
as a part and not the whole and you will achieve your own goals.

Blog length is 1560 words

9 Stages to writing a Blog. Wordcount by Peter Hanley

Peter Hanley About

9 stages of writing a blog.Introduction

9 stages of writing a blog. Hosting

9 stages of writing a blog. Your Page

9 stages of writing a blog. Linking for money

9 stages of writing a blog.meta Description

9 stages to writing a blog. Boredom

9 stages to writing a blog. word count

9 stages to writing a blog. Tools to use

9 stages to writing a blog. Analytics

Peter Hanley

I have been in business for many years and the internet to find ways to grow your business faster

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. LineCowley

    This is a very helpful post on the ideal wordcount of a blog post. When I started my affiliate marketing journey, my first blog posts were all around 1200 words, which turned out to be too short to get ranked by search engines. So, I started creating longer posts with average words of 2100 to 2400, which seems to be doing better. 

    At the end of the day, it is not only wordcount that is important. Creating quality content that helps the reader, is likely to get your ranked. But if you create a 3000 word blog posts that is full of repetition and keyword stuffing, then Google will probably ignore the post. 

    1. Peter Hanley

      Thanks, Line, I average close to 1600 because quantity is also a factor and as a slow typer it takes time to do a 2500 or 3000-word post. However, I load my headings first and then sort of provide sufficient words to convey the message. I actually finished this one at 1200 words but thought that was not good enough so went back and made it 1600. 

      It is all a game in that we look for winning results.

      Peter H

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