7 Effective blog writing techniques that really work

7 Effective blog writing techniques that really work. With several billion blogs trying to get attention where do you stand in the hierarchy

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

It starts and ends with Keywords

The single most important issue to deal with is your competent understanding of Keywords.
Key phrases, and long-tail keywords are all the same and they simply represent what your readers search for in Google or similar.

Keywords are dominated by two elements that make a difference;

Too much traffic and you get lost as well too much competition and you are never found.

It is important to note that the only place to be is on page one of a search term and over 80% of readers never go past that.

Therefore choose your key phrases using the available tools that tell you what your options are.
Keywords are important.

Keep your writing targeted to your niche

7 Effective blog writing techniques that really work
Target marketing

Your content must be customer-centric and focus on what they like to read.
It is said that you are just answering questions or explaining how things are done in a blog.
Therefore linking between your posts creates a much wider reader choice.

However, readers that follow you because your niche is in Male health don’t want to wander off to books on engineering or something else obscure.

Linking your posts is a vital part of SEO so keep that tightly channeled within the reader’s interest groups.

Of course, you will separate them using categories however even these need to be related however loosely.

The Volume of blogs wins the race

A very successful friend of mine recently wrote about traffic and why he was so good at obtaining great volumes of readers. So much so that advertisers flock to him and want to throw money at his sites.
We asked what his main rule was to match his abilities;

One blog does not control the niche. It takes consistent blogging over a long period to rule the waves.

By creating volume you create authority on the subject which is a critical ranking factor in the mind of Google.

You may also link to more authoritative sites than yours to show that you have researched the subject and back it with expert advice.

“yep, to be honest, success is BORING.

It's about doing the same thing over and over again, while NOT allowing your mind to lead you in another direction.”

One blog does not control the niche. It takes consistent blogging over a long period to rule the waves.

By creating volume you create authority on the subject which is a critical ranking factor in the mind of Google.

You may also link to more authoritative sites than yours to show that you have researched the subject and back it with expert advice.

Having many blogs also allows you to link to a certain subject and expand on the page you are writing for an in-depth look at the subject matter.

Building your traffic

7 Effective blog writing techniques that really work

Whilst keywords and good SEO will bring a greater volume of readers you can also help the blog with some external feeds.

Social Media is a great place to start where you can send interested readers to your site.

Your web page can be a double-edged sword. Readers wanting in-depth information on a particular product can be sent to your blog page.

Furthermore, when they have the information they want, you will link them back to the sales part of your website to complete the transaction.

You should agree that blogging is not about selling, we have funnels for that. However, you need to be always mindful that when a buyer is ready they want instant action.

Therefore always have a buying link available, however non-descript it may seem.

Using appropriate pictures and graphics

The word appropriate is necessary because it really must closely represent the subject matter.

Many people skim read looking for that part of the post that most interests them.

They know what they are looking for so set a nice trail for them to follow without having to read a thousand words to get a simple answer.

Lists are loved by Google. It clarifies the content in easy bullet points and forms an easy-to-read image.

The Tables are similar however a bit more instructive.

Your blog needs lots of white space as well. Never clutter the page with minute details that would bore the most fastidious reader.

Using short sentences and short paragraphs make your writing easy to read.

One final rule is to always insert an Alt Description to aptly describe what your picture is about. In many cases, you can simply use your keyword.

Always consider YouTube as your friend

7 Effective blog writing techniques that really work

Having a YouTube video either liked from your post or embedded in it does three things;

  • You get back-links from YouTube
  • You keep readers on your site longer
  • It supplies a deeper set of information

YouTube is now searched nearly as often as Google so it sure helps in your ratings.

SEO is still the king

Quite often forgotten the rules of search engine optimisation (SEO)
are important to your ranking.

This is quite often forgotten by writers that want to use their style and not follow those of the Rule maker; Google!

Google demands several important points and penalises those that forget.

  • You must have great site speed.
  • Write for Mobile phone readers.
  • Short sentences
  • Plus short paragraphs
  • Internal and external linking
  • Great Meta description
  • Excellent headline
  • Correct use of headings
  • Proving authority

This is just to name just a few of them. Use an available tool like Yoast SEO or AINSEO to check your page before you hit submit.

Ignoring these rules is not just contempt for the rules but punishable by Google and relegation to the high numbered pages. Where you don't wish to be.

7 Effective blog writing techniques that work with your training.

A gratis section

If you are unsure about blogging and are new to the subject I would suggest you take a bit of training in the basics.

You must get it right early because it is a long journey and every blog counts.

I used the free training at Wealthy Affiliate to strengthen my skills and still use updates and live chat to better my skills.

As a bonus, you may even get a free blog site if you need one.


You should consider blogging as an art form:

  • It is there to entertain and inform.
  • The structure is important because it is easy to read.
  • You aim to keep readers on the page
  • And finally, make some money.

Finally, follow the rules and Google will support you in bringing success and fame.

7 Effective blog writing techniques that really work by Peter Hanley

Peter Hanley About

Peter Hanley

I have been in business for many years and the internet to find ways to grow your business faster

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Bojana

    Thanks for such a good text, I am a beginner in blogging and I really enjoyed the advice. Everyone should try this because there are a lot of benefits, not just earnings. I have learned a lot through writing within my niche and in that way I help other people.

    1. Peter Hanley

      Thanks Bojana

      Yes I agree as I started blogging for the writing experience and am still learning and adjusting
      a year later.

      Keep it up it is fun and the money will come.

      Peter H

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