Critical messaging and alert escalation package; The integrated system includes messaging plus email and SMS automated escalation.
When four powerful products come together to deliver incident management
A critical alert or incident management system needs to be carefully handled to avoid miscommunication or even worse a complete lack of communication.
It is also necessary to have live analytics to review the procedures and discover any shortcomings in the procedures.
In times of stress often associated with panic, any delays can create far greater personal trauma and that is why Automation is selected in all our support services.
We have all encountered Telephone on-hold challenges, delayed answer, busy line situations that are not acceptable in crisis management
Who would use an escalation service
A prominent Perth Lawyer provides a wide ranging legal service and is often called for after-hours advise. Consumers often need access when major issues are encounted yet the Law firm has its doors closed. Furthermore the lawyers have active family lives so finding the right person can have its challenges. A support line was necessary.
A major legal operation has lawyers working world wide operating in time zones that don't conform to our 8-5 office hours. When they have an IT challenge they call a support Hotline that connects them to a range of personal. Having a lawyer stand down is expensive and that is why support personal have an escalated service to ensure the call is taken.
A SaS provider supplies support services across Australia for the software solutions provided by them. Even in Australia time zones may vary by as much as three hours so a hotline is necessary. This is supported by message escalation so that client needs are attended in a timely manner.
A medical facility caters to a wide ranging patient group from many different backgrounds. When an issue starts help is required immediately and definite contact is important because people are put at risk. This is a situation where time is critical.
A large factory operation where procedures involve many staff using dangerous equipment can encounter problems that need to be handled immediately. Senior staff are included in a roster so that the situation will have an early response and never go without interaction.
Important ingredients to a successful service
First of all the caller must be comfortable that their call has been received and action starts from that moment. This is established in the message structure and particularly the sign off.
It is also important that callers are not placed in a queue or parked waiting for someone to talk to.
Next the on-call personal need to be aware of the problem and if it is being attended.
Balance the expense over a potential loss
Lost time in critical issues can have devastating consequences. The cost may go beyond calculations therefore a small amount of insurance can give you great peace of mind.
Because the technology research and introduction was forced on us when our past supply company failed to support the product we were under pressure.
How to find a solution that would meet the high standards required in call handling and still meet market demand.
No one company has a single solution. Therefore we had to package a product to meet the market and at a cost that was acceptable. The cost would vary on the components used however it would generally remain under $200 a month for the full four unit combo.
This is small change when you compare to the benefits received.
Critical messaging and alert escalation package need good analytics
Analytics are essential
It is often necessary to understand what transpired through an incident and how people responded. Reviewing history supports the future by learning and changing.
Like all things, certainty changes and you may need to change with it for the best results.
Knowing things like;
- What time was the original call made.
- When did the procedure start
- Who were involved and how did they act
- Total call stats available
These simple items may just be your saviour one day.
Other services available
Sometimes an all out alarm is necessary so that everyone is alerted to an incident at one time.
We developed this service as an area wide incident control broadcast service.
A single phone call will start a message to fixed phones, mobile phones and supported by email and SMS.
A example is a factory that may need to be cleared because of Fire or other devastating situation.
Your group can include all personal and management however outside influences may be included. Police, ambulance or Fire services.
The reach of this service can be local, state wide or as broad as you need.
While these services are not for everyone they are targeted at a broad section of business and Government out lets.
Our decade of service in crisis management and support makes us the ideal choice of providers.
The systems are tested and the backup and contingency planning is always in place.
Critical messaging and alert escalation packages by Peter Hanley