5 Passive Income Sources To Easily Start Today. Making money online may be easier than you believe. Here we tell you how to get onboard.
Starting an online business and hoping for success
This is not a get rich page, that is just an illusion created by marketing hype that takes your money.
A business is built on a solid foundation that will stand the test of time and deliver returns for many years to come. As they say “even whilst you sleep” or holiday on a remote island.
I am not going to promise you any returns however I shall point you in a direction that can and will earn money.
It may be $20 a month or $20,000 a month with the results depending on you and the time you are prepared to put in.
I don't want to scare you or put you off before you start however I do want to present a reasonable picture of what you are about to embark on.
Doing nothing guarantees failure.
Peter H
Your online business starting point
You can make money from day one and continue everyday for a lifetime however you must first learn to build a website.
A website may be just that or it may be a place to hold your blogs, somewhere to place your marketing funnel or even build your online shop.
Please don't be scared off at this point, anyone can now build a website because there is no coding and it is all done in blocks.
To start with it is free, with training and support so no better place to commence your rise to success.
Why is Affiliate marketing so good?
It is the best job in town and has no upper level
Recently, ClickBank, one of the top online sites for information products, held a contest with a big cash prize for the top affiliate of the network. In other words, the person who made the most commission promoting products for the month would win. A client named Robby Blanchard ended up winning the entire contest and did up to $981,000 for the month! And the crazy thing is…Robby isn’t some “guru”. In fact, just a few years ago he was a CrossFit gym owner. |
This is all done with
No product | Nothing to pay for and store |
Therefore No billing | And no bad debts |
Customer service by others | Hassles by others |
A Growth industry | Year on Year growth |
Up sells available | Make additional income |
Paid monthly | Cheque, Paypal or deposit |
Have more than one supplier | All the eggs not in one basket |
Back in my day it was called commission selling and the art has been around for hundreds of years only now it has been refined and renamed.
Affiliate marketing on steroids
How could this style of living get any better? Well is does and it is called recurring revenue. You don't get paid one time, you get paid every month for years to come. As you build your base your income grows so you even out the payment of money and avoid those good and bad months or high and lows we all experience.
I started a small business many years ago because I understood the value of recurring income. When I closed the main business I kept the revenue side and now have a work from home business income guaranteed every month. Very little effort but consistent returns, how good would that be.
This allows you to build a real business that has an intrinsic value for a future sale if that is what you desire.
What companies provide the best affiliate commissions
I will keep this to five among the millions available to get you started without spending your life savings. We want you to make money not spend it like a drunken sailor.
- Wealthy affiliate is a training program for affiliate marketing, web hosting company, support service and you qualify as an affiliate on day one, even on the free entry level.
You can get support and answers on any question at any time. None of us know it all. We all need help at some time and it is here in many levels.
Why is video content growing so quickly
It is a little known fact that YouTube is searched nearly as often as google for the answers to your questions. Certainly voice requests on mobile phones etc have added to this however the “How to market” is also massive.
Furthermore many marketers have found that adding a video to your post or page helps a time onsite factor that contributes to SEO and gets you read.
In the olden days making a video was difficult and expensive but things have changed. I use and recommend Vidnami as my supplier of choice and my second affiliate recommendation.The market is so big and the opportunities so broad that to ignore this would be criminal.
Traffic or the assumption of control
When starting out in business you need traffic to your site, it won't come quickly as you build followers but your SEO is affected by various parameters that matter.
- Number of callers
- Time on site
- Drop out rate
- Pages read
You can get this boosted by employing virtual traffic that creates much better SEO and site recognition.
Again I suggest trying Spark traffic and see the difference it makes. After that you can use a small monthly investment if you choose to do so.
Yes they have an affiliate program as well.
Knowing where you have been is as important as where you are going.
Google analytics is one of the most powerful assets available on the internet.
Every site should incorporate analytics to understand how well you stand in the world of traffic. This is not a nice to know but an absolute must have product that sets you apart from the amateurs.
However it has a real fault in that it lurks in the back row of the party and only opens up when you take the time to interrogate it. Most will simply ignore it and stay with the mainstream products with a bundle more attitude.
There is an answer to this in that analytics comes with a flamboyant partner. The life of the party that takes you to meet the geek in the back row that has all the answers.
MonsterInsights turns the geek into the belle of the ball parading it around for all to see.
When you open a page or post all the analytics are laid out in a clear to read format. This makes you take notice, and act early, when things go wrong. And they do.
Every WordPress site should have MonsterInsights installed.
As a bonus you get a website headline analysis that will critique the most important element of your work. Your headline determines if you will be found and or read .VERY Important?
It is the most useful tool in my armoury and has made a huge difference to my site structure.
I am a Keyword fanatic and the MonsterInsights tool goes another step ahead of the market.
There is a free version of MonsterInsights and a pro-version that I have.
Yes another affiliate opportunity.
Where do you find extra opportunities for affiliate marketing?
I stated earlier that there are virtually millions of opportunities to find affiliate incomes.
I use two that make a difference to me. Wealthy Affiliate has a section where you can be introduced to a whole bundle of these as well people like Shareasale.
Many companies hand the management of the affiliate programmes off to specialist providers that are set up to offer you a host of opportunities. In fact many thousands of offers that you can use. They have a solid place in the business and quickly weed out the bad blood.
Some are not so honest and simply connect you with paying propositions .
5 Passive Income Sources To Easily Start Today and what to avoid.
A siren sounding loudly to alert you to danger
I have been in this business for sometime now starting out with just a need to build a web page.
I have witnessed some terrible attempts at extorting money from the inexperienced players.
The get rich quick platform is a minefield of explosive potential aimed directly at your wallet and indeed sometimes your life savings. Get rich quick, no experience needed, just 10 minutes a day and How I bought my Ferrari are just some of the tempting headlines that will jump out at you.
Get rich quick only applies to the slick and unethical operator that ply the market.
My choice is always ethical companies that mostly offer a free trial and have no big up sell methods that take you through a financial mine trap.
My conclusion
I started out advising not to have all your eggs in one basket and that is why I like a multi channel approach.
If you adopted every recommendation on this page I would earn a small monthly payment.
However just adopt one and I am still in business.
Many of you will feel why should I make this old bloke rich when I can visit the sites myself and enter the program and go my own way.
The answer is that either way someone gets paid. If it is not me for holding your hand and making the introduction it will be someone else.
Furthermore it will cost you exactly the same which ever way you travel.
You can join my group as I blog nearly three times a week with the same valuable information.
This way you maintain touch with both important changes and new opportunities that I have tried and delivered. That is a win- win situation
Great article wealthy affiliate is a great place to earn money online and the only one of its kind. I’ve always enjoyed my experience here it’s been a great time with great people I really am thankful i found this opportunity in 2018. I’ve really been working hard exploring new opportunities and I never thought i would enjoy what I do for a living this much. Keep up the good work!
All the best,
Thanks Jonathon and I am glad your journey is going well.
Peter H
Thank you for this useful insight. I’ve just started learning affiliate marketing to increase my side income. It seems online work is the way to go now, so I’m also hoping it can be my main source of income someday. I started with creating a website and write some articles, but your suggestion to use video marketing is good. I will try it after I understand this work better.
Thanks Albue
It does take awhile for it all to sink in however once in place it gets easier, then you try something new and start over.
Enjoy the journey
Peter H