Online business marketing is a blog to keep you up to date with all the latest internet trends and to grow your business to the next level.
There are things you must do and many you should do.
First of all, Let's start at the beginning and move through the things that will make a difference.
- Building your Website and learning SEO
- A Mobile-friendly site and open speed are necessary
- Your contact details are always above the fold
- YouTube and list growth strategies
- Social media marketing and what to choose
- Emails and Newsletter marketing for beginners
- Extra training in every subject
- Testimonials from those who have done it
Internet marketing has changed, and even more so because it is changing regularly, so you need to be on top of the game.
Your web page is the front door to your business
So, if it is not correct, you may as well hang up the old “Closed for today” sign.
There are new and important issues here and ones you simply must do.
Your website, SEO, and customer contact
We will show you the ways to make your website move viewers to customers with simple tricks and tools.
The internet has changed, and you need to change with it and understand how you can increase your chances in business.
Every business should have a website, and we will all agree, but businesses should have a site that works for them.
I have written more on this in an attached blog, where you can read further information on webpages
Web pages are there to sell your products or knowledge. They are not to be confused with other media and must dominate on their own.
What are the best web pages telling you?
First of all, if you are not mobile-friendly you miss up to 50% of the action.
You can check your site at Mobile Checker.
Next is your telephone number and address above the fold.
Often when I am out I need to seek a company on my mobile. Nothing is more annoying than having to search for an address. Make sure your site is correctly set up from day one.
I looked at struggling businesses and provided a few remedies for them
Finally, in this section:
You should have a call-to-action button to buy.
This is my summary of your number one item.
Current internet training is important to every business owner. I use and recommend the free package at Wealthy Affiliate
Next, we will look at SEO in Online Business Marketing
The basis of every website is its SEO performance.
This was once the domain of the wizards, and now a few easy steps can take you to the top.
We will discuss this further on one of our pages based on SEO for business
You can do SEO yourself in many situations, provided you follow a few basic rules.
Your page title or domain needs to be in your meta title and a couple of times throughout the site. Simple stuff, but most often forgotten.
Your headlines start high, flow down to low, and don't jump all over the place. Often a disaster.
Your pictures all need alt tags with a description or your keyword.
Ok, those are just the key points so you should learn them all in SEO for business
The number-two search engine is now YouTube
The rise of YouTube has been significant in that it is now searched nearly as many times as Google.
They search for content that
Show your brand
Information on how to do things
Direct sales
A lead-puller for your market
This should be part of your tool kit
Online business marketing includes a list.
List growth strategies
The value of a list to a business is worth many thousands of dollars. Not just in earnings income but as a sales asset.
You must build a valued list and use it often to entertain and create know-and-like values for customers to return time and time.
I have written more on this on List Growth and it is well worth a read.
Online business marketing and social media
Does social media work well for business
This is a long and interesting subject.
social media and needs your consistent attention.
My first lesson here is that whatever medium you choose, it must be current.
We often search social media to get a feel for a business, who it is, and what they do.
Going to a site that is neglected quickly turns us off and we most often move on.
You don't have to do all the media, but you must do some.
LinkedIn is a must-do. It might not sell or entertain, but many use it as a contact builder.
The most growth is probably coming from Instagram, as the young and trendy surge ahead.
Understand how the media works to win an audience
Facebook is still the largest of the media groups and works a treat when it works well.
Finally, Twitter is also a current flyer. Can you dispute Donald Trump, who has made it an art form?
Does email still work?
Here, we look at your everyday emails and see what they can do for you
Then we move on to bulk emails and the reasons and ways to benefit.
Probably the most important tool in your market and why you must use it. Newsletters work
Plus, we will look at list-building and the importance of your brand.
There are no emails without a list.
It's one of the best assets you can have if you do it properly.
Online business marketing uses SMS
The use of SMS in your business
Single-use SMS from a computer
Bulk SMS and instant satisfaction
Inbound SMS for time-saving and customer benefit
The total internet training package
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Now after just a few hours of free training, you can take yourself to a new level.
You will learn WebPage building from the start, learn about Domains, Keywords, SEO, and all the other bits that go into making a great site.
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Online business marketing and training.
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Hi, I am Peter Hanley, a long-time small and medium business owner. Ten or so years ago I decided I had to get a handle on this Internet stuff and just how it impacted my business.
Quite frankly I got sick of people telling me how to fix these issues and then issuing big bills for their overrated time. $10k for a Website, $800 a month for SEO I was getting ripped off and I got sick of it.
They would tell me things in mystical ways that I had no way of understanding and could only nod my head in agreement.
So I chose the path of knowledge, a path that would give me insight into knowing what I wanted.
Yes, I still employ some people but now I tell them what I don't want and what they think and get them to quantify the results.
I was free of uncertainty and free of large bills to build my business.
Admittedly times have changed and the Internet is now much easier to understand and use and that is a benefit to you.
However, the internet is now much more important than ever before and it is a get-in or get-out-of-style situation.
So let's get you in and run your destiny with a little help from me and my friends at the
Wealthy Affiliate
Hi Peter, I’m a WA premium member and I’ve been loving it. But first, I want to thank you for the information on this post. Its golden for me. I never knew SMS and Newsletter could be used as a means of reaching people to generate traffic. Also, I agree with you that SEO is everything. Quality content plus perfect keywords will give awesome results and ranking on Google page. Also YouTube has become a great means to get traffic by making worthy videos. Thanks for this post
Thanks for the comment Ro,
I follow the 7 points of touch rule and SMS and newsletters are
easy ones to include.
Peter H
Thank you for the relevant piece of information you have provided here. It is true that the Internet is the number leading platform for promoting one’s business now in this twenty-first century and it is vital for one to acquire the necessary knowledge to operate in this new world of online marketing. Thank you for clear and informative content
Thanks for taking the time to post a considered return
The Internet is now absolutely dominant and we all need to adjust our lives to it
Peter H
Awesome post. You have listed very important pointers of an online business. I believe that biggest set back for a newbie is MONEY. They get into online business to earn money, but later get to know that there’s huge cost involved at every step.
With your post, I’m sure all visitors will find the most cost effective way to start an online business. Wealthy Affiliate covers all the necessary training and more at a least amount. I’m curious to figure out how much does the newbie has to invest for a good looking website? Do you think, building a list is essential even for 2 month old newbie?
Thanks for sharing this useful article. Many will get benefited.
Thanks for the reply, yes cost is important when starting out and I consider that in my posts. Many of us have wasted a lot of time and money
before finding WA
Of the method you listed, I think the best is the social media. That’s one area of online marketing that is, in my opinion gaining lots of ground quickly and some persons just don’t realise it yet. Social media can help you drive word of mouth and with the growing number of visitors to one or more of these platforms, one should look at concentrating 40% of marketing plans on social media.
Thanks for the comments they are always appreciated.
Yes, Social media and particularly Instagram seems to be taking off.
Peter H
Hello, what an informational site. I have been looking for another source of income and maybe get out of the 9-5 rat race. I was wondering with all the get rich scams out there, how does Wealthy Affiliate difference its self from all the other affiliate programs? I will be bookmarking this site and wait for your answer, then I will make my decision to join or not. Thanks for any advice in advance.
Thanks Zach.
Wealthy Affiliate is the most progressive web hosting and training site
On the market, and at a price everyone can afford.
The free version gives you instant access to a free website and a whole bundle of training
Plus you are immediately accepted as an affiliate so you can earn from day one.
They do emphasise that it takes time to become efficient and that get rich quick schemes
are to be avoided.
They have one price and no upsells so you are not continually targeted to pay more.
I would recommend trying the free access and having a look around before making a decision.
You will be pleasantly surprised.
Peter H