5 steps to start an online business with no money

5 steps to start an online business with no money. Is it possible? Yes, if you learn a few rules and apply some basic learning skills the world can be yours.

Why are the rules so important?

The business market has changed and now revolves around everything internet. From Webpages, blogging, social media and marketing are all done in the Cloud. Online stores, training and coaching without leaving the house. If you don't have access to money a real fixed business is not going to happen so we will look at other ways to go forward.
Facebook for business is a necessary component

Can you do it without spending a brass razoo? Yes, you can and maybe making money in days.

1 ) Basic internet training for free

Your first step is really internet 101 as I shall call it. This covers the range of ideas to start a new business including a free domain and Website.

You will learn how to build your own website based around your new-found ideas to start a journey to make money.

It can not be done in one day. You are starting a business that should last for years and can grow into being a valuable asset to take you into retirement age.

You must be prepared to do some training and spend time in your business with no return for several months. That is the nature of this beast.

If you want to get rich, quickly buy a lotto ticket and pray with the rest of us for the big win.

Any new business would require you to upskill and a business based around the internet is no different.

However, my warning to you and a valuable lesson to take note and remember.

Your internet is full of scammers and sharks making grand promises and offering a quick path to instant wealth. When we start out we are lured by their slick marketing and promises of making money the easy way.

Everyone on the internet has been there, we have paid out money for expensive lessons with no returns. You end up jaded with the whole process and probably laying down in despair and giving up on the whole journey.

Let me save you from yourself and lead you on a path of results

So where do you start?

Log in for free and go to the training site that shows the link below.

A 5 Phaze 50 lesson training course getting you ready to build your online empire without spending a dime.

You will complete this course of audio and visual training at a time you choose

Certificate of competion

2 ) An understanding of Keywords for every business

Keywords are not just something they are everything.

Think this way if someone is trying to locate you.

They ask you where you live and you answer America.
But where in America? Well, New York, actually, your reply.
New York is a big place what Part? On the West Side of course.
But in what Street do you live? 1428 Street it goes for miles.
So what number in 1428 Street An apartment block at 1311
Finally, what unit number? Why do you want to know?

6 Questions to find an address in a city of 8.7 million people.

How much to find your blog among over 500 million posts and growing by 2 Million a day? It's a daunting task that is easy to find.

We have a road map and it is called a Keyword Tool. It tells you just about everything you need to know to be found on the net.
However, over 80% of search traffic never goes past page 1 on a Google search. You need to be on page one or you're lost on 1428th street.

You also need to know if anyone goes to 1428th street and if they do how many every month.
Here is your free Keyword tool.

3 ) SEO for business the basics you must do

Whether you have a website, Blogsite, Funnel or something else, the SEO rules are fairly important.
The most important rule of all that follows is that your website must be written for the mobile phone and Ipad market. Google ranks mobile-first and fixed second so make sure you start out correctly.

Linking your own site to other sites and to authority sites is important. The search engines want to see some action, some changes and activity on your site so they know you are alive and well.

Find some customer comments and activities in your comments section. Google loves those that are loved and it adds to your overall word web count.

Have a social media linking to you and share your activity on the likes of Facebook, Instagram etc

4 ) Finding customers that want to buy

5 steps to start an online business with no money
Show me the money

This is always the hardest bit when you don't want to spend money on advertising and we all struggle with customer acquisition. However, we are in someway there already.

If you have your Keyword correct and a nice call to action you will bring traffic to your door. Your SEO is in shape and Facebook is working so you are looking good.

On your website, you can have an Opt in box leading to a giveaway product that will excite viewers enough to leave an email address in return for a product.

eBook, white Paper, newsletter, group discussion, VIP Discounts, free gift etc.

You can socialise, go to meetings, send mailers, emails. message anything to get viewers interested in you.

Use emotional appeal marketing for the best benefit

5) Working out your business

Find out early what business you are in and focus on that one thing. Don't get sidetracked or race off to the next best thing. Leaving all your work on the table.

Have a plan and work the plan until it is where you want it to be.

Work out your target customer and focus on their needs and wants and not what you want.

Everyone has a problem, your job is to solve it for them.


I have shown you free training at Wealthy Affiliate.
The training includes a free domain and website.
You can also become an affiliate and make money while you learn.
There is a free Keyword tool and some ideas on what it is for.
If you are still struggling for an idea or niche here to help.
Focus on something that will last the journey and work it to the end
Enjoy the journey.
Starting a business just takes a bit of effort. I have provided the shoes that fit
now you take the steps to profit.

5 steps to start an online business with no money
Peter Hanley

5 steps to start an online business with no money by Peter Hanley

Peter Hanley

I have been in business for many years and the internet to find ways to grow your business faster

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