Steps to start a successful blog laid out in an easy to follow format. Whether it is a blog, content or page, your writing has an effect on the end result.
Step one to writing is to have a plan.
This may seem a pretty basic statement as you won't head off anywhere without a plan but it not only includes a destination but what happens along the way.
Over a period of time, you will write on many topics and they may be shotguns or single-shot blogs.
Having a cornerstone block allows you to build a series over time.
Say for instance you are a wine writer, then you have many tangents on which to travel.
- Making wine
- Drinking Wine
- Growing Grapes
- Wine varieties
- Wine-growing areas by country
Each of these could include hundreds of pages of content along the way. When people start to read about a subject the continuing flow is easy to find.
Therefore your plan will include a continuous flow of information along those lines.
Your Keyword and title
Many people ignore this step because they forget the importance of Google search.
A good keyword tool will tell you several important things.
- The volume of traffic that will look at your chosen keyword
- Remember over 80% never go past page one
- The level of competitive pages in that exact phrase
- An estimate of your site being looked at by readers
This is a whole subject on its own so if you are unsure have a look at some tools
Keyword tools
In all of my writing, I only suggest free or low price products that I personally use.
A keyword tool in a basic format, suitable for most of us, is free. For the pro's, there is an upgrade if you so wish.
Steps to start a successful blog, preparing to write.
Preparing to write
You should first of all put together a couple of authoritative sources to support your ideas.
This is an aid to SEO and gives your reader confidence in what you write.
At this point, you can also prepare an outline for your page.
Generally, an outline consists of an introduction that frames the main point for your audience, a body, which is where you’ll break down the main point with more details and supporting statements, and a conclusion to wrap up your thoughts and leave the reader with a final statement.
Jennifer Calonia
You will also pic a few pictures that relate to the article and have them ready to go
Drafting your work
At this stage, the aim is to set out your headings. This will better set you up to have a nice flow of information.
Generally, we start with a problem that should be solved.
Next, we stir the problem and show how it exists, the conflicts that exist, how others adapted to it and finally a solution.
When people search google they generally have a problem, a how-to or why a situation exists.
It is important that you arrange your # headings in a down method and not one that is wiggly Piggly. Start with a #1 or #2 and end with a # 4 or #5.
Furthermore, each picture used must be such that it draws the reader to that subject. It must also have an Alt tag Description filled in and a description.
Writing your award-winning article
The aim is for an average of 1500 words in an article or blog. This number is generally agreed as the best structure for an article. Yes, I do shorter ones and one yesterday at over 3000 words but my average is a smidgeon over 1500 and rated well.
Under your headings, aim for about 300 words in short sentences and short paragraphs.
We readers are a fickle lot and our attention span is not great, so pander to the mob.
Having your headings in place makes the writing process a lot easier as the words can just flow between the subject in a natural and proper way
Revising your work
This can be done along the way or at the end of the process.
You can have multiple revisions and changes along the way to get the right structure that flows.
Spelling mistakes should be corrected at all times using a good spell checker.
I recently ploughed through a hundred articles looking for errors because a site check disclosed a problem.
I use free version spell checker and the WordPress one as well and still manage to stuff things up.
Spelling is not my thing, try as I do it still remains a problem. Make sure you check every time.
Google likes good content following the rules so to be rated don't try bucking the trend.
Although the writing process involves core principles to follow, feeling comfortable with writing and the evolution of your writing style doesn’t happen overnight. Following these steps can help you learn the fundamentals so that you can refine your skills over time Jennifer Calonia
Steps to start a successful blog, proofreading.
This is past the revision period and I believe getting a second opinion is always helpful.
Not an opinion on the subject but more the structure, words and setup. You may not agree with them and that is fine, just consider the opinion and move on.
I always do an after post mental list. This is where I go through a checklist of what should be included and do a tick summary.
As careful as you can be you will often miss a step that should have been included.
Internal links
External links
Authority links
Have these all been attended to?
Further training on Blog building
I always use the free training at Wealthy Affiliate. Again, when you are comfortable, they have a monthly plan for those that want to host several websites and look at affiliate marketing.
There is a community page with a free chat line that can give endless advice on any subject you can think of.
Furthermore, a free Keyword tool is included and a writing platform for the newer members.
I have become a writer (of sorts ) in my later years and enjoy every word I lay on a page.
I generally write about 5 blogs a week on a variety of subjects.
However, this is all about you, the reader, the person we talk to. Always remember to talk to people because they are interested in themselves and not our humble life.
Most people blog for money, to earn from their labour and that is justifiable.
They also blog to entertain and communicate and they will appreciate a comment on any work they complete.
Bad comments will be trashed but good ones cherished so give it a go.