Do blogs get read or are they a waste of time? Blogging is the answer to every question and to your business and personal growth
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Table of contents
What constitutes a great blog
A great blog is one that gets read and creates an action for the reader.
The difficulty is that a great blog can receive zero traffic while another average one gets hit tens of thousands of times a month, so what is the difference.
Search Terms are the solution to being read
That means the use of key phrases that answer a question or solve a problem.
This is a simple matter that is misunderstood by most writers.
Keywords are the single biggest factor in getting a blog read.
Finding a balance between traffic and competition
With every and any Keyword, you have a degree of traffic and a range of competition. Too much of either will make it extremely difficult to get to page one of a search term.
An example of this is the Keyword for this blog, “Do blogs get read”. I could have chosen the Best blogs to read however the QSR figure or number of competing sites is different. Yes, I get less traffic however I will get to page one quickly instead of starting on page 12 and moving forward over time
The meaning in both headings is the same however the search term is different and the results are a long way apart.
Fortunately, we use a tool to look at this and find the best solution available
This takes all the guesswork out of your selection.
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For those of you that are getting lost, we have an in-depth look at blogging, Keywords, and all things necessary at Wealthy Affiliate starting for free to new members.
How do you get people to read your blog?
The first page of a search term is the only place to be. Furthermore, the first three free lines get nearly 90% of the clicks so your SEO must be spot on.
However, you can create your own traffic to support your SEO efforts
- Push via Social Media
- Pay for advertising
- Use influencers
- Be on page one of a search term
- Use lots of Keywords
- Link from Youtube
- Using other sites to link to you
- Follow the rules of Google
Adding a great Meta description
A meta description is the second thing you must understand. These are the words under the URL that grab the reader's attention. On any page of search terms, there are generally about seven free listings and the one that is chosen will be likely in the top three on the page and answer the reader's question.
It may be done with honesty, excitement, intrigue, or fear however it will grab the reader's attention and invite the click.
I have seen great blogs with pore Meta descriptions that get little traffic whilst its neighbor gets clicked thousands of times.
Therefore a combination of Keyword selection, page one position, and a great Meta description lift your chances
Do blogs get read-only if on page one?
How do you get to page one of a search term?
This is easy if you follow the rules and impossible if you ignore a few simple facts.
Your Blog does not generally start on page one because Google sends you to the back of the class until you prove your worth.
Equally important is authority
Authority helps the cause
Google will rate you on your perceived authority to answer the question.
Think of a Doctor or even Professor writing on Medical matters over a layman on Witch Craft solutions as an example.
Many authority figures also have a following so they will gain organic clicks moving them ahead of you.
Finally, you can create authority by referencing noted articles or writers that support your contribution to the subject.
Best blogs to read
The blogs that answer a question or solve a problem are the ones that are best.
However, you could search for any category you want and spend a day reading all the great posts on your subject.
- Funny
- medical
- Sci Fi
- Marketing
Just think of a question and blog away.
With the more extended use of mobile devices and Siri requests the Keyphrases tend to be much longer and hence more concise.
This is particularly so with the younger set as they seek a quick answer to end an argument.
That is why we usually recommend having the solution early in the blog and then following with all the reasons why.
You will note that Best blogs to Read was a search term I ignored because it is too competitive.
However, I have included that term within my page to pick up a bit of that traffic without having to rely fully on it.
Do blogs get read and make money?
Are blogs a waste of time
According to the latest statistics, there are over 7.5 million blogs written every day.
Furthermore Blogging is still an enterprise that takes time but rewards handsomely for those that do it right.
Not only can Businesses increase sales, but affiliates can also earn money, writers can let off steam, and a dozen other reasons to put your writing out in the open market
Making money by blogging
It is all there for the winners and the below list just looks at the big names. However, I know many people that make a comfortable living out of full-time blogging.
Who is the highest-paid blogger? Top 10 highest-earning bloggers
- HuffPost: $500 million per year.
- Engadget: $47.5 million per year.
- Moz: $44.9 million per year.
- PerezHilton: $41.3 million per year.
- Copyblogger: $33.1 million per year.
- Mashable: $30 million per year.
- TechCrunch: $22.5 million per year.
- Envato Tuts+: $10 million per year.
Conclusion and wrap up
First of all, as a part-time blogger, I am a little biased in my opinion however I believe it is one of the better jobs in town.
Therefore You can write for yourself or others to earn a great return for your efforts.
I started writing blogs for my business before expanding out to share my marketing knowledge with as many readers as possible.
Finally, remember that it is a long-term business and you need to grow a following to get read.