Online training reviews

Online training reviews. A subject that can earn you money but cost you time. We are looking at the best way to approach internet marketing for you.

Training online is a massive industry

What do you want to train in? first of all pick a category and Google it to find any amount of training. Then flash your credit card and start paying out big time while you learn.
However, the first thing to do is hone in on a subject and tighten it down. For example, social media includes every element of the product and is too wide a field.

You should pick Facebook, or Instagram, YouTube or Twitter and specialise.
Finally, when that is paying its way, move on to the next course.

My aim is to share the lower prices and higher return training at all times so stay with me for a bit of a journey and come out a whole lot wiser.

Understanding the fundamentals of web pages

What is the difference between a webpage, a post and a funnel? This is an easy question but if you don't know the answer you need to start with the basics.

Are keywords important and do you need to pay for SEO? Again, a fundamental question that requires some skill building.

If you are learning to skate board you don't start with tricks.

First of all, you look at platforms and wheels and probably the graphics as well.

Secondly, you are told about safety equipment, knee pads and helmets

Third, you move to foot placement and balance before going to find a gentle slope. You can't do any tricks until you learn to fall off without breaking things.
It is a process applied to all learning, build a good foundation and the rest will follow.

Getting posts and pages correct

The internet has order

Everything revolves around web pages. All internet marketing uses Web activity therefore that is the start of your journey.

First of all, I did a great course a while back that involved a lot of modules both written and visual. I have a good understanding of how it all works but need a few holes filled in. I skipped through the course with speed reading and fast-forwarding with the sole aim of finishing.
In addition, I have done many courses before. In fact, have a cupboard full of material purchased at a high cost over many years.

My needs were quite simple however I was not getting the results I wanted.
Consequently, my problem was that I had skipped too much of the basic training and was not applying my learning to my output.

I re-did the training and did it properly

I went back to module one and did it properly. The puzzle started to fill in and my shortfalls were fixed as I went through the entire course a second time.

My marketing is really multimedia, blogging, webpages, emails, SMS, videos, newsletters, social media all now developed from having my template right from the start.
You must understand what you are doing or you are doomed to failure.

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 1995 and believe me it is the best training platform on the market. What's more you can try it free and start your training journey from day one.

The training includes building websites, growing a business and making great financial returns.
It also includes a members forum that will help you with any problems you will encounter. We never know it all and sometimes we just need a bit of help.

This has a fixed monthly price for the premium addition with no upsells or requests for more money.

Scam training and paying through the nose.

How to supplement income from home

Most of those that have been around for awhile joined a company called MOBE that offered great training and huge incomes. Just $49 to join gave you everything you needed. Well, almost anyway.
They continue to provide a great reason to invest more. Today $99 and tomorrow $199 right through to a payment in excess of $20.000 (they arranged credit for you) to join. Today they have been made insolvent by the US government and everyone has lost their money.

Pyramid selling is another catch-all, the top of the tree gets really wealthy and everyone else misses out. These are being launched every day and people are losing a bundle of their savings.

Tread carefully in your choices.

There is no instant wealth plan

The Roy Carter story

Read my heading agai: There is no instant wealth plan.
However, there is no limit to the amount you can earn even working from home.
You can build a business that will return income for years to come and one you will be justifiably proud of.

However, it will take some time and effort, life is just not that easy.

You can sometimes jump ahead and here is one idea that may suit you.

My mate Roy Carter retired to an island to get away from the rat race. Roy's sole ambition is to teach people how to make money while living an ideal lifestyle.

This is an invitation only group where the members are taught to make money in a structured and proper manner.

Roy has allowed me a couple of invites for a short time.

IM Income Builders Club!' membership.

You will get an email so just click on it and then make up your mind.

Email marketing remains the best option on a cost/return basis

My emails go out most days, and over the years they have repaid me many times over.
My initial training session was with Ryan Deiss. I listened and I bought his book and have used the book many times over the last few years. Ryan is not cheap however he is very, very good and has a wonderful starting place for beginners.
In fact, you will probably get the book for free depending on the day and it is one for every library.

As an email generator, I have used Constant Contact over the past 10 years. I have tried others to save a few bob but have constantly been let down.

Email is a business

Email marketing is a business. You can do it for yourself or others and create a great return. if you were to send four newsletters a month to a customer a charge of about $300 /$500 would be more than reasonable. The time taken could be less than an hour.

Constant Contact has a bundle of training that you can use at any time for a very minimal amount.
In addition, there are guys like Neil Patel and others that throw so much information at you that it becomes overload.

You should never scatter yourself too wide and seek a better guide unless you are truly unhappy. Stay the distance and apply your learning and make an informed decision.

Best affiliate marketing and returns

As I am an unashamed affiliate marketer. On this page, there may be links that earn me money if and when you buy the product. This market forms the biggest group in the world today and is dominated by Amazon.
Most advertising for Amazon is done by affiliates that refer customers for them to complete the transaction.

Amazon has a university for training but first of all join as a member and try it out using your basic skills. The problem here is that margins are very low in single digits so it is hard for you to make any money.

Here I return to Wealthy affiliate as the ideal training to learn this marketing style. In fact, you become an affiliate on day one and any introduction will earn you money.

Why use affiliates anyway?

Marketing is essential for any product to grow. However, the cost base is very high and can be in the thousands of dollars for an advert plus competing with many look-alike products.
For example, the Wealthy Affiliate has over two million people recommending their offerings. If you understand the reach of that, it is well worth parting with some of the monthly income as advertising revenue. They pay on performance so the returns are easy to calculate.

Your world is full of affiliates in almost any product you can think of and many have built huge incomes recommending other people's products.

You sell the product they deliver and support it while paying you a margin.


I could not list all the training available, the list would just ridiculously long and a waste of your time.
Your goal is to focus on a single product and learn that product well before moving on. However, know the basics before you start so that you will not be bogged down with bits you don't understand.

We want you to build a career or income-generating business so that the most practical use of your time is adopted.

Beware the scams, if they sound too good to be true they probably are.
You should not commit any money until you are sure you will get value.

Either a free trial or money-back guarantee is essential.
I once bought a cheap product and immediately got a big upsell, I complained and the answer was “what did you expect” and no return of my investment.

Online training reviews
Peter Hanley

The world is full of charlatans so be warned and be aware.

Online training reviews by Peter Hanley

How to become an affiliate marketer

Peter Hanley

I have been in business for many years and the internet to find ways to grow your business faster

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