Do You Make These Simple Mistakes In Writing? Not being read is a curse however is it your writing or your structure, 5 tips for great results
Table of contents
- Writing is a form of art and one to be acknowledged
- Every subject has an audience but how do you find them?
- A sense of adventure will bring readers in
- Writing for the internet requires structure
- Understanding SEO is important for any writer
- Deciding what to write about is easy to overcome
- You can buy your readers and make a return
- Using Social media to gain an audience
- Finally you start to write knowing where you are going
- My conclusion on writing the simple way
Writing is a form of art and one to be acknowledged
You may write for therapy or for money however you still need an attentive audience.
Blogging is my therapy and writing about twenty thousand words a month takes time away from the books on my mind. The average novel probably tops out at one hundred thousand words and sits on a library shelf gathering dust. ( I have a few eBooks as well)
Blogging gives me several thousand readers every month and a bundle of comments To fan my ego. So how do I achieve results in a world where about seven million blogs are posted every day?
Every subject has an audience but how do you find them?
Your audience will find you if you will just use an appropriate Keyword in your title.
However sometimes branding takes centre stage.
A new book by JK Rowling's would get instant attention. She has a brand because of the success with Harry Potter.
Jack Reacher books get a following because the central character is a legend. The authors name is secondary to the character ( Lee Child)
Blogs vary in that readers search for answers or solutions to a situation that they want solved.
This has been changed in the past couple of years with the advent of voice searching. The search terms have become longer as you try and get Siri or others to understand you.
The use of why, when, how and where proceed many search terms. However they are not exclusive.
Keywords can be sprinkled through your work to attract a greater audience.
If you were writing about the Best Bushman's Axe as an example you could include;
Sharpening a bushman's axe | With an Oil stone |
Why use hickory handles | On your bushy axe |
How heavy is a Bushy axe | Can a mere girl use one |
Why are bushy axes so special | Winners |
Axe competitions in the US | Who features in them |
Where to buy a cheap Bushman's axe | Not your local hardware |
A sense of adventure will bring readers in
Why I used a king axe to win the Easter show log chop. You and I may not care however there will be a certain number that want an easy answer .
Build the interest throughout your writing and take them on a journey of discovery. Your audience will love you and even follow every new product you deliver to the market.
Here I fall back on the old know, like and trust format. If they search on axes and like your writing they will return for more because they like what you deliver. Furthermore if you have product links then your trust halo will have them buying anything you recommend.
Of course writing a novel is the same, same but different. The first sentence is the killer phrase and the mystery deepens as you move into the story.
Simple mistakes in writing avoided with structure.
Writing for the internet requires structure
Structure is required to meet the demands of Google search. ( Yahoo and Bing also)
Short sentences | About 20 words each |
The same with paragraphs | 300 words is a max |
Heading start large and descend | Your #1 going down |
Spelling and grammar | Both to be correct |
Not to technical | Write for the reader |
Pictures, colour and flair | Jazz it up |
Use an active voice | Not passive |
Transition words | To connect your sentences |
I use Yoast SEO to correct all my issues. Yoast is a free or paid WordPress Plugin.
Understanding SEO is important for any writer
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is again getting your structure in place for Google.
You need to have certain parts of the system in place to achieve a high page ranking.
Although SEO may be frustrating it must be part of your template when composing your work.
Internal links | In page or other posts/pages |
External links | Use an authority site |
Heading and Meta description | Essential inclusion |
Key phrase used appropriately | Not overused |
Image attributes | Use your Keyword |
Good text length | Aim for over 1000 words |
Show some authority | Have an about page |
Use Yoast SEO | good guidance |
Simple mistakes in writing start at the beginning
Deciding what to write about is easy to overcome
Many hopeful word creators struggle with this first simple step. Similarly many experienced Bloggers also have a mental block deciding what to create.
Having written near on a thousand blogs I have gone through all the pain that new writers suffer from.
To start with writing three hundred words was difficult. Then Five hundred, at a thousand it got easier as I developed a style.
I have a list of things I want to write about. Mostly in the small business arena however the occasional social rant gets in when the mood takes me that way.
One tool I use is a title generator that provides a variety of topics on which to write. Then If my main business is an Axe I would also go to Google and get ideas.
- Crazy axes
- Throwing axes
- Chopping axes
- Where to buy
- How to sharpen
Each of the above examples is then broken down even further.
Crazy axes in movies, at the circus, for display, in museums, that are illegal
Throwing axes for men, women , children, in competition, at the Olympics and their weights
You will now see how a simple word turns into hundreds of subjects on which to write.
Remember that readers search for a Keyword, so crazy axes for women may only have a small following however you may well be placed on page one and pick up readers.
You can buy your readers and make a return
This is always a consideration to take the fast track. Using paid advertising will generate readers if everything else is in place.
A click an Advert that is for axes may cost you say $1.50. However if you had an axe for sale at $300 you would soon justify a profit. One buyer in two hundred visitors could be possible.
However if you were selling Amazon books and making $0.20 book you could never justify the advertising cost.
This needs to be researched properly before you commit your money, if you get poor results it may be expensive.
Simple mistakes in writing and using Social media
Using Social media to gain an audience
Using Social media is a free tool that can generate a lot of traffic if done properly.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter even TicTok have a following. Your regular simple post on one or all of these will gather a following.
It is not that time consuming particularly if you pick a hero media. This will depend on a target audience because they all have a majority following.
- Facebook all men
- Instagram female 20-50
- Twitter educated
- TicToc under 20.
These are not exact demographics but demonstrate where you audience may lie, testing will tell.
Finally you start to write knowing where you are going
With all this behind you now is the time to start the epic journey. However you really do need to have a bit of a plan when you begin.
One way to achieve this and make life easy is to write your headings first.
Pick about eight headlines taking the readers on a journey. Then just fill in the words and writing becomes easy. A couple of hundred words under each heading with a conclusion and you have a two thousand word post. Who said it was hard?
You know what you want to write about, You understand the rules so now it is head down and away you go..
Simple mistakes in writing and my summary
My conclusion on writing the simple way
Finally I write because I enjoy doing it. Ok I add some affiliate links to grab a few dollars for my effort however the object is creation.
We don't expect to win awards or have a best seller however the sole object is to be read and appreciated. One decent post may take a day to produce so you don't want to waste your time remaining invisible.
That is why the rules and SEO are vitally important to your success. Once in place they become just part of your day.
Finally write for the readers in a natural style and results will come your way.
In conclusion we want you to enjoy the writing experience. This way you will continue on for a long career and results will follow.