Online marketing made easy

Online marketing made easy and getting results. This is the quickest way to grow your business without spending a bundle of money

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

What is online marketing and what does it do?

First of all, there is expensive online marketing, free online marketing and some in between.
However, using basic skills you need to spend little money to get great coverage.

The first great marketing tool is still the easiest to use and I refer to the common email.

Email marketing takes many forms and they include

  • A single email
  • Broadcast emails
  • Auto attended services

We are all using single emails every day and you probably receive many in your inbox that is both unsolicited and from known sources.
They do this for the simple reason that they work. However, they have learned the art of construction that will make you click to read and not delete.

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Auto Attended emails

does email marketing still work

This is set up using any carrier and at a low price.

When a consumer emails you for information they are entered into a series of reply emails that will be sent over an extended time. Sometimes daily or longer periods depending on urgency.
They may follow a format like;

A thank you page and company info
Product description and basics
Who else uses the products and the best advantages
Other great uses
Trial close

This is a simple format however it could extend over many months.

Making your attended emails work harder

When your email chain is successful and results in a purchase the customer is not lost.
You can then branch out in a whole new direction with a new series saying customers who bought our product also bought this accessory.

You have known like and even trust so the second sale is often easier than the first.

Newsletters are a premium sales promoter

Just like an email, a Newsletter goes to a range of consumers that have shown interest in your company.

Newsletters are not a sales script they are more a friendly touch service.

You will never know when customers are ready to purchase products, so the idea is to simply stay at the top of their minds for when that time comes.
Furthermore, when they have been through the autoresponder series they are a natural fit to now go into a newsletter.

A customer base is necessary

One of the most important parts of internet marketing is to build your customer base.
This can include
Names; first and last
email address
Mobile phone number
actual addresses

It should be noted that your list develops a value of its own. Therefore It should deliver you a return every month plus have a commercial sale value.

It is illegal to just harvest contacts you must have found them through a contact initiated by you. Harvesting is called spam and comes with legal ramifications if rules are broken. Look up the rules in your country and make sure you follow them religiously.

Social media makes anything possible

Online marketing made easy

Nearly everyone has a Facebook account but what about your business?
Potential customers will often look at your social media to see if you really exist and how well others think of you.

Not all media is equal however I believe every business or self-promoter should have two accounts;
Facebook. Your business can be found
LinkedIn. Your information is available

If you want to be shy and not disclose anything about yourself get out of business, it is all about self-promotion.

The secret behind successful social media promotion

Consistent posting to the desired channel wins the war. And consistent means at least every day of the working week.

Next is choosing a channel that has a majority of your target demographic.

  • Instagram 20-45 Women
  • Twitter     30+ higher education
  • Facebook  25+ male and female
  • TikTok       Generally younger generation
  • LinkedIn   Generally mature audience

The rules are not locked in however they represent a basic introduction.

Finally, social media is a delivery mechanism. It is there to gather interest and then transport readers to a sales page like a web page or funnel.

Social media is for entertainment and to capture the viewer information as they flit around the screen.

A high priced game to play on social media

Online marketing made easy

Have you ever noticed that advertising pops up for something you are wanting to buy, do they read your thoughts or monitor your conversation at home using a Google device?

Neither actually. It is simply Pixel tracing and called Retargeting. A paid-for process by advertisers.

This is a very clever technology that is both specific in what it does and also non-specific.

If you search for watches you will get Watch advertising, pretty simple.
However, you may search for men’s presents and get watch advertising as well.

You have shown an interest so they work that interest to a solution

Remarketing is different

This is after you have bought the watch they start to recommend those fancy watch bands that are available for your new purchase. It could also be an extended warranty or even a watch repair kit.

You are a known buyer and they want to extend you further.
It is not cheap however very effective marketing.

Email to SMS marketing has instant results

You can broadcast a message to any number of mobile devices delivering a sales pitch in either SMS or MMS.

The beauty of this is that the response is often immediate so that you can monetise your promotion in a small trial.

All broadcast messaging is based on numbers. How many deletes, opens, clicks or purchases. Just get the percentage right and you rinse and repeat knowing you are in the money.

Inbound SMS is customer capture

Online marketing made easy

So many of the younger set is now SMS centric. They don’t have time to talk and messaging is quick and easy.
Offering a fixed inbound mobile number offers this opportunity. What’s more, you pick up a legitimate potential customer that can be offered other solutions.

Used correctly this can be a very efficient marketing tool and time saver as all calls simply go to an email and can be answered by anyone with access.

When online marketing needs support

I have an old saying “When the major marketing companies do it they do it because it works and at a cost-benefit”

When the large grocery chains email me, SMS me and letterbox drop me.
The big department stores do it and even the local pet shop does it.

They combine the old and tested hard mailer with the latest trends in online marketing.

It is all about constant touch

There is an old rule in marketing called the rule of seven. A buyer needs to see your message at least seven times before they will make a buying decision.
Think TV advertising when the same message is repeated ad-nauseam.
It may not be exactly seven however when the brain kicks in recent repeated images come to the front of the mind.
Social post every day, newsletter every week, emails twice a day and SMS reminders all form part of your message delivery bank.

“ If they are not reading your message they are reading those of your competitor”

Peter Hanley

Therefore, be consistent, be brave and spend as little money to gather the greatest returns.

Blogging is a massive source of contact results

Online marketing made easy

Writing blogs about your industry and what it does can gather a huge following that can be converted into ready buyers.
Again and I repeat blogging requires consistency as any media to gather a following. However, a single blog can pick up thousands of readers and be instrumental in gathering links to your selling pages.

Sticking with selling watches for my example you could write articles about the industry.

  • Best Waterproof watches
  • What does a 30m watch promise
  • Does your watch need waterproofing?
  • Can you wear a watch under the hot shower?
  • Are Swiss watches better than Japanese?

You are not selling anything you are writing for those interested in your niche.

However, we will never miss an opportunity to have a sales link attached somewhere in the article for those that are ready to jump.


This has been just a touch on what you can achieve with simple online marketing solutions. Furthermore, the ideas are available to anyone without using high priced commercial help.

Online marketing is not just something to consider it is an imperative solution to your sales results.

We are in the modern era therefore use the modern tools to your best advantage and stay ahead of the market.

Online marketing made easy by Peter Hanley

Peter Hanley About

Peter Hanley

I have been in business for many years and the internet to find ways to grow your business faster

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