How to make money online from home

how to make money online from home. Is it fact or fable that unlimited incomes are available, both are true but one more than the other

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

The big online opportunities

Making money online is not only possible but very probable if you take the correct paths.

Some of the best incomes are made right here and achieved by a range of individuals.

Let’s face it the internet is blind, it does not see colour, age, or even sexual persuasion when you decide to take the challenge.
Furthermore, you can do it with almost no money so everyone is equal.

Where is the most money to be made online?

This question is very common and my answer from long experience on the internet may set you back for a moment or two, however, stay on your journey and we will have you up and going.

Concentrating on one small part of the puzzle is the correct answer.
Therefore you choose that bit of the wide world that tempts you to be involved. That is something that you love or have a deep-seated interest in so that your interest does not wane.

Furthermore, notice that neither money nor income is part of the choice.

The income is incidental to the journey that you will take and will come when it is ready and you have played your part.

Making money quickly and easily

How to make money online from home

You will see many promises along these lines where you can sit on an Island and watch the money come in without doing any work.

This could be true if you have spent a whole bundle of time laying the groundwork to make it happen.

You need some training and establishing a Know and like well before this happens.

Yes, we can shorten the journey but we can’t change the input required from you.

Finally,  let’s review this first part in a few words;

  • You need to specialise in a particular niche.
  • Take some training to understand more.
  • Allocate the time commitment over a future period

The online world is very large

The size of the internet is often misunderstood and we think of it as just a small part of our daily lives.

Furthermore,  it has grown faster in the past couple of years than in any period before. This is directly related to a Pandemic.

People moved home to work more than ever before.

Online shopping burst out of its seams with everything ready to be delivered to your door. Even food including meals developed into a worldwide industry with a bundle of new players.

Internet marketing has become easier and cheaper and importantly so effective that it quickly sorts out winners from losers.

A Google search is happening many times a second with people being delivered to a result. That result may be your business sitting quietly waiting for the action it may present.

You are bombarded with examples of creative marketing

Because the large corporations shower you with attention you should not just bask in the glory but understand their motives.

They don’t email you, SMS you, or hard mail you because they love you. They want your money but they do it by stealth.

They get you to like them however they also build trust where you are happy to buy whatever they throw at you.

Think of your recent purchases and ask yourself why you bought that particular brand. There is always a reason and mostly it is not about price.

How to make money online from home by stepping out

Stepping out of the box

How to make money online from home

Businesses build brands using different media and that is where your action may be.
The Tesla Motor company do no corporate marketing yet Ford and GM spend Billions every year, so why is Tesla winning the EV race so convincingly.

Elon Musk has branded himself and stayed consistently in all forms of free media, particularly YouTube where he has an opinion about everything.
Don’t get me wrong I have a big Boy Crush on this guy who is changing our world and maybe another as well.

My point is that instead of throwing dollars at marketing companies he puts it into products and tells the world, and they believe.

Another favorite of mine is the Canadian company LuLu Lemon.
They produced a range of exercise gear that represents quality but at a price. The gear is not cheap yet I have never seen an Advertisement. Word of mouth has spread so far that we are all now wearing Lemon because it is quality. To hell with the price we want what everyone else is wearing.
We understand that Kmart can sell similar at a quarter of the price but hey it is not the same.

Where does this leave you?

When you understand one little bit of this army of opportunities and work it hard you can get the results you want.

Learn Facebook, Instagram, or particularly YouTube and you can market your skills to the highest bidder. Most of us running a business have only a fleeting understanding of social media yet need it to grow our sales.

Businesses are screaming for support but don’t trust the many sordid approaches they get. Your face and experience can deliver the results they are willing to pay for and pay handsomely for trusted results.

Building a social following on a single subject can have huge rewards.
Many companies have found that Influencers are the new media.
I have a family member that gets bombarded with requests from companies to market their product, what’s more to only 5000 followers.

This game has turned into a lucrative business in Female wear and Dog paraphernalia, who would have thought it possible.
The top end of town, think Kim Kardashian, makes millions every week doing just this.

How to make money online from home using oldies but goodies

The more mundane tasks

A good company blog can deliver as many inquiries as a full-blown marketing program when it reaches a level of acceptance.

Blogging is time-consuming and long term but when it takes off the rewards are astronomical.

People don’t want to write their very own blogs so they outsource the work to writers that understand, perhaps someone just like you.

Newsletters still pay back well.

Again an understated asset that is easy to do and easier to gather returns yet it is underemployed by most businesses.
Selling your skills can be factored on returns and you will win the game based on the results.

Affiliate marketing is not to be frowned on

Amazon affiliate marketing

Being the selling agent for someone else and getting paid a commission for your effort. This is done by millions of people for millions of companies that want great salespeople.

Although this is an age-old practice, Remember the traveling salesman, Amazon made it popular by building one of the biggest companies in the world using affiliates.
Amazon started as a bookseller, one we never thought would make it, and now sell everything known to man.
The funny thing is they don’t own or build any products; they simply sell what others produce.
You can do this without product, debtors, stock, returns, and just incoming commission. Sounds like a good deal.

How to make money online from home by taking free training

Where do you learn all this?

How to make money online from home

Fortunately, I do have an answer for you and one that I looked for a few years back. I had tried all sorts of promised lands that would turn me into an instant millionaire; paid and unpaid that produced very little in return.

My needs were to promote my small business and deliver rewards by sharing my expertise with others.
Having years of marketing behind me I recognised that the new era was with the internet and that I must understand it intimately. Thus my journey started.

The problem is that the Net is filled with false hope and is also a scammer’s paradise, a place where you can get very hurt. Believe me, I have seen some of the worst and have also been peripherally involved before regaining my senses.

That is when I found Wealthy Affiliate a business that represents the highest quality in a range of services at the best prices based on what you receive.

  • Training
  • Support
  • A Live and very active forum
  • Affiliate opportunities
  • Keyword Tool
  • With no constant up-sell
  • Free to try



You can’t be told what to do to make money because we don’t know you. I certainly had no intention of being a blogger but here I am.

You need to find your own space, learn as much as you can and then sell your abilities to the highest bidder.
Your life journey begins there.

How to make money online from home by Peter Hanley

Peter Hanley About

Peter Hanley

I have been in business for many years and the internet to find ways to grow your business faster

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Daniel Tshiyole

    Affiliate marketing and trading are what I believe are the easiest ways to make money online from home. I have a friend who is into trading and he is making a substantial amount of money. Ever since I joined wealthy affiliates, my life has changed for the better. I now have a  source of income

    1. Peter Hanley

      Thanks for the comments Daniel,

      Recurring income affiliate marketing let’s you build a business that can grow to any size.

      Best wishes on your journey.

      Peter H

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