1128 easy ways to find traffic for your blog

1128 easy ways to find traffic for your blog or web page. This may be your hardest task but here are the simple answers

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Forget everything about traffic and do this one thing

I confess to not having 1128 ways to find traffic but to keep it honest I will write that many words to show you a way forward.

The idea of the headline was to use a Keyword to get your attention.

With a couple of million blogs being written every day you really need to stand out from the crowd. Unless you understand Keywords you will never find a place on the first page of a search term. A place nobody goes past.

Your Keyword, your headline, and your Meta description all work together to get lookers at your work. Without traffic you have nothing.

Using Keyword tools

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You will notice that this is not singular. Nothing is perfect and we want to find a healthy balance between traffic and competition.

You need a balance of these to find a great middle ground.

The most used tool and probably the best one is a Google search. Remember that Google makes the rules and works in its own way.

Google has really departed from Keyword selection and uses Artificial Intelligence to find what they believe is user intent. Or precisely what they think people are looking for.
However, Bing and Yahoo still use exact match search and Google will pick up words from throughout your document to place you on a page. Let's forget the robots for a moment and look at a tool that I recommend.

Jaaxy keyword tool will give you a view of the volume of traffic, how much competition, and your chance of succeeding with that selection.

Combining this information with a Google search will give you a rough idea of what you can use.

How do you create a Good Keyword?

The answer is easier than you think. You simply answer a question or solve a problem. The more specific you are the greater your chance of selection. However, it has to be something that people ask.

I did a Jaaxy search on the above words and got a zero result. I also did a Google search and there was only one competitor and no traffic. However, I might use this myself one day.

I continued down the search terms. AVG is monthly traffic, traffic is an exact match and QSR is a competition estimate

1128 easy ways to find traffic for your blog

Therefore the best keyword website has both reasonable traffic and low competition.

The conclusion to this is that if I chose “How do you create a good Keyword” as my title I would get no traffic thus wasting my time.

I would have thought that my term here would be searched more often so I used another tool in Neilpatesubersugest

Uber suggest search

Therefore using this would be a waste of time. It may be found by a wandering traveler but not much more. When I chose that heading I assumed it would come up with better results. That is why this subject is so important.

1128 easy ways to find traffic for your blog

What is Keyword searching

Keyword searching is understanding where you will rank in a Google search if you use that term. I thought that the importance of this subject would be a higher profile than shown here.

By now you will be able to start to understand how important this whole subject is. If you get it wrong you will never end up on page one of a search term.

Hubspot says that 75% of viewers never go past page one and organic search accounts for 53% of all viewers so you need to be on page one.

Everyone has a different need so start writing out all those Keywords and checking them with a reputable tool. A good balance is a traffic greater than 100 a month and competition less than 50 remember that 50 is equal to page 5 of the term.

1128 easy ways to find traffic for your blog with authority

Google ranks you on authority

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This is another misunderstood activity on finding good SEO. Your page needs to show that you have some expertise in the subject you are talking about and the higher the expertise the faster the rise to the top.

If you are writing about dogs, as an example, a vet or breeder would rank toward the top pages and you with no real background will be left behind.

However, showing considerable research and quoting authority to back up your words will assist your slide to the top.

The Debate on a Meta description

The meta description is a short paragraph that describes what your site is about. You can do this yourself or Google will do it for you taking ideas from your words.

When they search your term and arrive at page one the first three free terms get most of the attention. The question is which one will they pick. The bland idea, the promise, or the answer to your question.

The best Meta will win this race every time.

I have seen even the best operators offer up a bland description so make sure yours is pulling the eyeballs in because you have about a second in time to do it.

Don't send viewers to Social media, ever.

This is a mistake that many make and you are probably shaking your head and asking why.

Social media is designed to send traffic to you, people who are interested in what you have to say want to know more. Social media is a Vortex, a hole that offers so many diversions away from the main subject that keeps people away from you.

You duck into YouTube to have a quick look at a nice post and then find so many more interesting places to explore. The original port of call, your post, is forgotten about.

So treat social media as a source of acquiring readers not entertaining them.

1128 easy ways to find traffic for your blog

You need to have both internal and external linking within your page if only to appease the Google gods. The new rules are such that you must tag those affiliate links as no follow and it is necessary to do.
However, the other one is the Open in a new tab.
What this does is bring readers back to the current site when they have finished with the visited page. Otherwise, they disappear when the finish button is hit.

This shows the button and the sponsored link ones as well and is part of WordPress.


1. Use appropriate Keywords
2. Do extensive Keyword research with great Tools
3 Make your header and Meta exciting
4. Draw from Social media
5. Use your linking for the best effect

Get these right and you are on the way to page one of a search term.

1128 easy ways to find traffic for your blog by Peter Hanley

Peter Hanley About

Peter Hanley

I have been in business for many years and the internet to find ways to grow your business faster

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Michel Maling

    Using a good keyword tool and finding great keywords without too much competition and keywords that people are searching for is definitely the first step to get traffic on your website. The next is using those keywords to write more and more content, in fact the more the better. This is the best way to get organic traffic, and although it is a slow method and takes time to build it definitely works long term.

    Linking – both within your website and outwardly is also great advice. I was just wondering if you put a link as no follow, will people still get to their destination when they click on it?

    1. Peter Hanley

      Thanks, Michel, Making it no follow is only a direction for Google. They don’t want to go to affiliate sites and waste valuable time constructing search parameters.

      Readers can and should go there as they are the money sites.

      Best wishes

      Peter H

  2. Martina

    Hi Peter, I had a great time reading your blog post. It was very straightforward and I can surely agree with all of them. Using those tips that you mentioned helped me rank some of my blog posts after a few months of optimizing them. I loved how you included the “New Tab” trick. I always do this because I want the readers to stay on my website as long as possible since it’s also one of the things Google looks at when assessing how valuable your content is.

    There’s this plugin on WordPress and it’s called Rank Math SEO. It helps you manage your keywords and put them on meta title and description. Have you heard of it?

    1. Peter Hanley

      Thanks, Martina for all the kind words.
      I shall look at that plugin and give it a try, nothing ventured nothing gained.

      Have a great dauy

      Kind regards

      Peyter H 

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