What is a Blog and How to Write It

A blog or Web Log is an information page that answers a search query of some kind.
It may also be a reference site to further information.

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Why do people blog?

There are many reasons to blog one being a simple outlet for the want to be a writer.

However, it does go much deeper than that.

  1. A blog may be a source of links to Affiliate income opportunities.
  2. Advertising is often displayed on a blog also earning income.
  3. On a business site, it may be a feature page on a product or service that needs a greater explanation than a few lines on the main Web Page.
  4. Many use it for product reviews that also contain affiliate links.
  5. In welfare situations, it may be a source of information with or without a collection box.
  6. Family and self-interest reviews or information.
  7. Just about anything else.
  8. To make fast money. ( Blogging does not work as a quick cash splash)

There are a couple of million blogs written every day on a vast range of subjects and needs,
so if you want to be on this ride follow along for some more information.

Do you need a Niche to start blogging?

First of all, a niche is simply a defined subject matter. It may be Health, Exercise, Gardening, Boating, Business or any manner of occupation or interest.
To narrow this down we take a broad niche and have a look at the parts that are of particular interest to our needs.

Health may break down to

  • Exercise
  • Pills and supplements
  • Problems of the Heart, liver lungs, etc.
  • Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals
  • Medicines
  • Oriental strategies

Then again we can take this further;

  • Exercise for the elderly
  • Weight lifting
  • Marathon running
  • Trail bike riding
  • Surfing

Therefore your niche will be residing among the more exact match terms that you have broken down. Each of the above can be broken down again and again to find specific subject matters that light your inner fire.

Finding things to write about

What is a Blog and How to Write It

When you have your niche you need to find a heading (Keywords) that people will search for and want to read. This is a very important part of blogging, one that will define the winners and losers very quickly.

Being found on the internet can be achieved in several ways however the greatest volume of traffic comes from SEO or Search engine optimization.

These are the words your audience will type into Google, Bing, or even ask Siri to find a solution for you.

Questions are generally How to, Why, When, What and Where type queries.

The more specific the question the easier it is for you to answer and provide a clear solution.

The requests are called KEYWORDS because they are the words that provide a meeting between the two of you, those that search and those that answer, a perfect solution.

So if we take exercise for the elderly, as our example, we don't talk about 250 kilo dead weights or marathon running we think of the things that Grandpa should do.

Are 3kg weights good for the heart doing arm bends?

Do you exercise before bed or in the morning?

Can seniors overdo exercise and cause heart failure?

Why are planks dangerous for the elderly. ( Probably because they don't know what they are but you get my point).

These are examples of questions that may be asked and things you can write about.

Write down as many as you can, up to a hundred or so before you start your journey.
Think of a single word or phrase and expand on the idea until you exhaust that subject and then move to the next.

How to write a blog

There are several ways to do this and in fact, even Google has a site specifically for you, ironically it is called Blogger. What is even better is that the site is free so you can learn your craft before really hitting the streets.

Others offer a similar experience like Bluehost being a slightly superior option with a small monthly fee.

Next, you can make the blog a part of your webpage and build a following that will gain a lot more traffic and be entirely owned by you.

Furthermore writing as a part of a company website to expand on the things you do and sell. Your Blog is simply another page on the website.

Finally for those that seek the very best quality and the full package to use blogging to take you to a working business we have Wealthy Affiliate. Full training. and support plus an affiliate program from day one.

Picking a name for your blog

Every site has a unique URL or identity starting with Https://www. This also ends as dot com. dot net. etc.

Your site may take several options to highlight what you do;

a) The first is a personal blog branding you as the expert. I have one called CoachHanley.com
which talks about me and what I do.

b) Relating to the business you do Exerciseforseniors.com

c) Adding local content www.exerciseclassesinTexas.info

d) Make your country stand out with www. name.com.eu

d) Don't be too tricky and avoid anything but letters for best results
Short as possible so it can be remembered easily.

This name is registered at your chosen host and costs you a small payment every year.

Basic writing structure of your blog

First up is the number of words necessary to satisfy all the demands.

There is no real answer except that it needs to be over 400 and less than too much. A great average is about 1500 words. You need to answer a question, explain why, who else has done it and what results the reader can expect. Then the job is done.

Don't lose readers by going on about trivial things that have little relevance to the subject matter. Stay focussed and on point.

Google dictates a reasonable writing style comprising short sentences and short paragraphs.

We are writing for those that are attention deficit so make it easy to read.

Throw in a few commercial pictures, a list, a graph, or other eye-catching ideas to make it all interesting and the job is nearly done

Internal links take readers to other information you have written and keep those readers on your page for a longer time.

External links may be the payday ideas where you go to an affiliate site or sales page.

Authority links go to educational type sources to prove you have done your basic research and gathered opinions from those in the know.

Social Media links can be used however the purpose of social media is to send you traffic and not the other way.

One exception is the use of linking to YouTube as an advantage to your site. The information must be relevant but it increases time on your page.
It is interesting that YouTube is searched nearly as often as google so a few links can go a long way.

Blogging is a marathon

What is a Blog and How to Write It

Blogging is a business that needs to be set up as a long-term project, not a quick-fix product.

You build a following over time that slowly builds to provide a consistent readership and click frenzy.

Google also needs to see that you are a genuine contributor and that they should favor you with a first-page position. This comes with quantity and quality over time.

Setting up analytics

Google Analytics is a free site that tells you a range of information about readers on your site.
The number of visitors, where from, clicks, and dropouts are all information that can help you achieve much better results in your writing.


Blogging has many functions so you need to choose the one that best suits your objectives and make a plan to fulfill your dreams.

Yes, you can outsource the functions if you need to or even use AI writers to do the heavy lifting for you. The quantity of blogs is important how it is done is up to you.
People that blog can make a lot of money.
Businesses that blog can increase website traffic greatly.
Frustrated writers can enjoy the experience

Everything is there to meet the results you desire. It just needs input.

Finally for more reading;

What is affiliate marketing income potential

What is a Blog and How to Write It by Peter Hanley

Peter Hanley About

Peter Hanley

I have been in business for many years and the internet to find ways to grow your business faster

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