How to speed write your blog posts and grab readers like a pro. An average blog takes about 3.5 hours, can you do it better
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Table of contents
Even the slow typers can write faster
I am an a-grade slow typer wearing out just two fingers yet managing about 30,000 words a month in my blogs.
My strategy has become preparation to cut all the corners and make them roll out a lot easier.
I average about 1400 words a blog and generally take about 2 hours to finish the product.
My only wish is that I had done typing at school but it was not available back then.
Therefore I must be well prepared beforehand so that this is not a massive chore.
This method even works when you outsource your writing and furthermore, it gathers a much better product
The most important things first
So what is so important is that you need to line it up before you start? The answer is Keywords.
these take nearly as long to gather as writing an article so jotting down a hundred or so at the start saves a whole heap of time.
The difference between being read and being lost is your choice of a Keyword. You need traffic but not too much and also low competition.
When you find a good Key phrase then build a dozen articles around it answering all the questions you could be asked.
Your Key phrase could be something like: Are tulips worth money?
- Growing tulips inside
- Choosing your tulip colours to plant
- What are the best seasons for tulips
- Should you cull out excess tulips
- Why are Tulips so expensive
- Were Tulips ever legal currency etc
- Best digging tools for Tulips
This covers a range of subjects around a simple Keyword. You could do the same with Roses or any popular flower to stay on a subject
Therefore with just 10 keyphrases, it would be easy to build 100 subject lines on which to blog.
Try and plan a year ahead so it is no longer a problem.
Planning your headline and Meta description
This one is not a must-do however it does provide a great guide if you are outsourcing your work.
Set up your analytics
This may seem trivial however you really need to know how well you are going in the search results.
This provides total visibility to your performance and allows you to make corrections early instead of 120 months down the track.
Deciding your strategy
There are different sorts of blogs so you really need to understand your intent.
1. Establish a template that includes your logo and contact details. Branding is important so consistency is the key to success. Using a standard template is a simple copy and paste routine instead of reinventing the world every time you write.
2. Decide on the use of colors and even text if you want to be different.
You might like to bold your headings and use colors or even shade areas of importance to get a more attractive look.
Understanding this at the start saves a lot of brainwork on the day. It becomes mechanical and speeds up the process.
Set up all your links
One of the features of blogging is to link to other sites.
Authority sites | Back up your words with higher authority |
Affiliate links | Have all the addresses ready to go |
Use a link Cloaker | Pretty links tell you how many clicked |
Your main web page | Linking to your selling page |
Sales outlets | Where your recommendations are sent |
Internal links | Through other articles, you have written |
I have a word page that has all my links ready to copy and paste. You should always have both internal and external linking in a blog for the best SEO.
The time-saving techniques when writing
When writing blogs it is recommended to use short sentences of less than 25 words and small paragraphs under 150 words.
Therefore with a 1200-word blog, you need at least 5 headlines and more likely double that.
If you write your headlines first to establish a flow for your article from the problem to a conclusion then filling in the words is easy.
We all get writer's block at times and sit wondering what to do next. However, if your headlines are laid out it takes away that wasted thought process trying to decide what to say.
There are things we can't change and that includes your typing speed however making a few small adjustments makes the whole process a lot smoother.
Blogging takes time and there is no getting away from that, however, knowing where you are going right from the start will really improve the process.
With everything laid out, a copy typist could fill in the words taking only about 20 minutes thus reducing any costs associated with outsourcing.
This would be ideal however you have to tell them what to write thus adding to the time.
Using a Voice translation program
I have friends that do this or at the least tried it, however, I believe it takes nearly as much time correcting all the errors and omissions that will be placed in the document.
Focus saves time
We all get distracted by important issues when writing. A quick cross to YouTube or answer a couple of emails, even sink a coffee whilst it is hot.
These all add to your time element so tune the world out, put your head down, and not come up for an hour.
You will be surprised at how much you can achieve with intense focus.
Set your timer and go hard for the chosen period and review your input to give you a target to beat next time.
How to speed write your blog posts in summary
- Fully understand your Blog direction and set up your plan.
- The importance of keywords and their use.
- Install tracking systems so you can analyze the process
- Use good headline and Meta techniques
- Set up your headings before you start to write
- Write in blocks of intense focus
Time wasting is counterproductive and taking too long to churn out a blog will lead to boredom and disinterest.
Therefore having a plan and following the direction will take this from being a chore to a joy
of creation.
You will build a following and potentially an income with a couple of hours of work a day.
How to speed write your blog posts by Peter Hanley
PS. 1200 words, 12 headings, links, color, tracking ( and spell check)