How many blog posts do you need to be successful? It may be many more than you suspect but don't be put off by numbers
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
Table of contents
Will one blog cut it or do you need hundreds
The answer is that one single blog can generate traffic and even income. However, it takes many more to be successful.
You can have traffic directed to your blog from areas like Social Media, pay for advertising, or rely on simple SEO to do the job.
The first thing to understand is that your blog must appear on page one of a search term Furthermore within the first three free positions on page one to achieve any resemblance of traffic.
Blogging is art
Blogging requires a balance between traffic and competition
The eternal dilemma is finding a balance between traffic and competition. Too much of either decreases your chance of being read.
Fortunately, in these modern days, we have great tools to assist us. A tool I will share with you shortly but first of all, you need to understand the basics of blogging.
This includes;
- Keyword selection
- Headline choice
- Meta description
- Traffic
- Competition
- Content
- Linking
- Use of SEO
Quite a list to understand before you start your journey. Furthermore, if you choose to ignore any of the above you will be relegated to the high numbered pages where no one searches.
In this case, one blog or a thousand will matter not, no one will find you on page 10 or more unless you pay a heap of money for advertising.
How many blog posts do you need to be successful and for how long?
Blogging is a journey not a one time wonder
Think of it this way. If you have one blog and get 10 viewers a month you are not a success.
If you have 100 blogs and get ten viewers each that's one thousand views.
Advertising companies that are ready to ply you with money won't consider your work as income-generating until you have twenty thousand views a month.
Therefore the number of blogs you have written matters.
Getting trafic to your blog
Other than relying on SEO you can direct traffic from other sources.
Of course, there is paid traffic however you need to be getting results before you invest money. It is very easy to lose money on advertising that does not work.
Social Media offers a great opportunity to deliver traffic if used correctly.
First of all, you need to lay out your plan and what you want to achieve.
As an affiliate marketer, I rely on people clicking through to the sites I refer to.
So I plan to provide basic education and then take readers to the next step.
I do this with intelligent linking.
As a business owner, My blogs describe in length, the products I supply plus ways to work with them. The blogs want the reader to go to the main site where there is a buy button or press a contact link so I can finish the sale.
Blogs are not overt sales documents. They provide solutions or answer the questions people will ask however we always have a call to action, however discreet on the page.
The reason is that we never know when a buyer is ready, but when that time comes we want to make it as easy as possible for them to buy.
Blogs may take people directly to a sales funnel where they are coerced into a sale by the magic of direct marketing.
A further Idea is to take readers to your online store where they have many buying options.
Finally, we can deliver readers to Youtube for a live presentation and completion we desire.
How many blog posts do you need to be successful?
Your blog is intermediatry
Let me explain what I mean because this is important.
Your web page is your shop front. It has all contact details and even a selling agent or contact collector on board. It will list out your products and tell clients all about you and be the silent salesman.
Then Social Media is entertainment and a great source of referrals for your website. However, we don't generally send people to our social media because they get lost with all the wonderful other options to go to. Social media is there to send visitors.
Youtube is a powerful presence. So strong that it is used as a search engine nearly as often as Google. That's a lot of traffic you are missing if you are not there. Youtube is also full of visual opportunities designed to keep visitors. flitting from one video to the next.
Then your blog stands alone. Its main function is keeping readers entertained and directed to take any further actions you suggest. There are no distractions of Social media or Youtube and great content will keep them faithfully to your posts and usually seeking more.
The blog is confined to a single subject and visited with a Keyphrase used by readers.
How do people find your blog
We have talked about referrals now we move on to SEO and the wonders of thousands of visitors every day.
Yes, it is a real opportunity and all achieved with Key phrase selection (and a Meta tag)
Your Blog is to answer a question, solve a problem or explain something in detail.
So your Keyword (phrase) is how they find you.
How do you chop wood with a blunt axe?
Why do Bees sleep at night?
What is a sleep device that monitors your time awake
How do I connect my iPhone Mobile to a computer using a USB device
These are descriptive searches designed to take readers to an answer and are Key phrases.
The whole challenge is to get on page one of a search term because this is the first and most often last place people visit. Therefore the more specific the term the less competition and greater your chances.
The Meta tag or words under a Keyword need to induce readers to pick your blog before the dozen others on the page.
Read effective blog writing techniques
How many blog posts before your readers come
It is preferable that you consistently blog over a long period of time. For a large part of the journey, you will most likely be disappointed but don't let that worry you.
Most bloggers find a surge in traffic will happen over time depending on your activity.
it may be 50 or 100 or even 400 blogs before the visitors swarm around your words.
You need to establish yourself as the resident expert and prove to Google that people want to read your great content. When this happens the sky is the limit.
No one can predict the day you will take off as there are far too many variables however it will happen with consistency over time.
How many blog posts do you need to be successful?
Is blogging worthwhile or a wasted effort
Your blog may be the single greatest contributor to sales that you could ever dream of.
Furthermore, once it starts to work it will carry on for many years into the future contributing to your success.
Blogs that have traffic will generate business purely based on the numbers game.
Therefore if you have the numbers success is assured.
Outsource your writing
If blogging is too time-consuming outsource the writing to others based on the subject input
that you require. List out your Keywords and use Fivver or others to find cheap writers.
You could even locate local students wanting to craft better skills for a low fee.
If your Keywords are great the content need not be perfect it is the volume that counts.
Where can you get training on how to blog
The best place to start is with the free training at Wealthy Affiliate.
They are a totally online training program as well as a website host. Plus an affiliate program for those wanting some return on the time investment.
They do have advanced programs that you can pay for however never any sleazy upsells or secret add ons.
There are a lot of scammers trying to take your money so get the basics in place before you venture into the unknown.
Training is essential for your future
Blogging may be time-consuming to start however the long-term rewards will more than justify the effort.
Writing is not always easy however the structure of blogging is easy to follow and you will have many tools available to help your journey.
Every business should have a blog, it is a marketing tool that delivers long term and is essential to success in the long run.
Working from home is a great time to write for yourself or others and build a great home business that will generate funds over a long period of time.
Affiliate marketers on those wanting to Make Money on Line need this asset as part of your portfolio to succeed.
Enjoy success by starting today.