Trading for seasonal influences targets your marketing to increased opportunity and extra sales and customer growth is the result
What are the seasonal influences?
Naturally, this depends on your business but we all understand peaks and troughs occur throughout the year. For most website owners the annual Black Friday season can provide a large part of your annual income.
Therefore to ignore it is perilous to yourself. Here at Wealthy Affiliate, the annual premium drops by nearly 60% a sum well with considering.
Just about any chargeable plan will have a great rate that applies for just a few short days.
This phenomenon has spilled over to the retail trade as well and even going across borders. Originally the United States thing it is now rife in just about all countries.
Impulse buying starts with a season
It may be snow skiing, or water skiing however they have very different seasons. One is bleak winter snow and the other is Sunshine and clear waters.
Christmas time is not the place for Easter bunnies nor Haloween for May-day pole dancing.
Therefore you really need your mind firmly fixed on the next season when planning your marketing.
You will notice the big retail chains commence their seasonal promotions well before the start date. Even discounting the current season gear to quit their stock. Dead stock is dead money so running specials will always attract late shoppers.
Global Marketing is changing weather patterns.
What I mean by this is Summer in London is Winter in Australia. In the equator area, it is always hot but sometimes Rainey.
Therefore online shops can cater to many markets out of season and still move slow products.
However, if your market is local you will be far more focussed on the seasonal impact.
Remember the impact of seasons will reflect in your results
The seasons influence all product sales
Different food is consumed in the Winter months whilst Barbques dominate the summer period.
Yes, all your clothing is different and your exercise activities are done in weather-appropriate ways.
Alcohol needs are changed from a winter wine to a summer frothy but champagne stays the test of time. We can celebrate despite the season.
Football is played in Winter and Cricket or Baseball in summer so our TV influences change with the weather.
International sports move with the seasons. Tennis is played in countries with good weather and the same can be said of Golf. Big crowds simply won't sit in the rain so give them sunshine and so we can get better advertising dollars.
What the seasons mean to you
We are all marketing in some form so ignoring weather influences or promotional periods will impact our results.
Even the humble long weekend has an impact on readership. You will see a drop in readership during those short breaks away from the reality of the everyday drudge. However, walk-in retail can boom during a holiday period.
School holidays will impact your results. Normal activities are stopped to cater to the needs of the children. Kids' movies dominate the theatres and shopping centers add further entertainment to drag them in so the parents spend more.
Holiday resorts are booked out and simple products to entertain are in favor. How many children's bikes are purchased for Christmas as well as play stations and whatever the latest fad?
You can't ignore the influence of timing
If you are retail or online whatever you do today must be done around consideration for higher audience participation.
Therefore a planning calendar is a very handy tool to anticipate the effects on your business in the coming year.
Hit when the iron is hot or fish, when the fish are biting, are two easy-to-remember sayings that remind you of where your efforts should be centered.
It is now early October as I write this and my BlackFriday marketing has swung into action ready for the November hit. I can bring back my last year's marketing and change the years and a bit of information to bring it up to date.
Trading for seasonal influences
All marketing should be planned around the seasons and what will be in the buyer's mind for the current or upcoming period.
Get this wrong and your results will show a downturn in attention.
You can even take this down to the time of the day that you post your work however get the seasons in order and then concentrate on the fine-tuning
of all your marketing. Use a calendar and plan ahead thinking like the big end of town.
Seasons do matter and your results are dependent on how you relate to them.