Is Retirement the End or a beginning? This really depends on you and what you want out of life. Sitting all day in slippers is not an answer.
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
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So you retired what is next?
What are my qualifications to answer this question? At age 77 and running a small business as well as daily blogging and investing, I keep pretty busy.
You may be different and just want to waste the days away waiting for the finish line, however many of you will believe you have a new life ahead and want the challenges that can be given to you.
Old age is not forever so you really need to pack some life into the days you have ahead.
It is all about finding a fulfilling interest
There are several categories of people on this list, those with enough money and those a bit short of life funds.
For those that don't need extra funds, it is time to share your time to help others. Giving is a joy so there are many ways to achieve this.
You might drive for Meals on Wheels or something similar or contribute to organizations like Rotary that need a lot of helpers.
Here we have Men's sheds where those with trade skills teach those that want to advance their creative talents.
Art classes, Mosaics, or sculpturing can really bring out the inner artist that has been lurking all those years looking for a release.
Wanting a bit of extra income
Here we have so many opportunities that you need to narrow down your interest groups into something you always wanted to do.
I write blogs, a friend builds children's furniture, and another paints pictures. Helen at 93 does commercial mosaics on commission and the list goes on.
The internet has countless opportunities for those wanting to pound a Keyboard.
Social media management, freelance writing, credit collection creating newsletters, and many more.
Many businesses want to outsource work because they simply don't have the staff to do everything and that could be you.
Is Retirement the End or a beginning? when you know the basics.
Target your objective and learn the basics
My first internet venture was to learn how to build a website, I had paid $10,000 for a site that I had to do all the writing for. I thought there had to be a better way and there was.
The start was to learn a bit about what had to be done and go from there. Times were not easy and now several years later building websites is really easy.
First of all, never pay out money until you are happy with what you are getting. The internet is full of wonderful opportunities that teach nothing and earn even less.
If you are happy with your computer skills this is a great way to keep the brain ticking over and keep those creative juices flowing.
Personal reward
We are not being selfish here however if you get no enjoyment from your efforts you will soon give up and the time will be wasted.
Seek something you love to do and help others to achieve their own level of success for personal satisfaction. The old Biblical saying “give and you will receive”
Wishing creates nothing action gets results
Many of you will sit around wondering what to do, a bit of daytime TV, and the odd crossword to keep your mind active. Then you will have discussions about what you should or could do and dream about results.
This is not a formula for success, you are good to contribute to action into your nineties.
there will be lots of time to relax when you cross the finish line.
My point is that you must take some action to start on any project that you wish to travel.
The first thing is to write down a plan. What you want to achieve, the tools you will use and the time it will take.
The plan will be reviewed along the way so it doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to reflect the desire to achieve.
This is not for everyone
This is not for everyone but it is for anyone that wants to do something creative during their later years. I work with eighty-year-olds achieving wonderful goals and being really content with life.
Sit back if you wish, go on a holiday or spend time at the coffee shop however for the others that want to be different get out of the Rocker and kick start interest. It will be the best thing you could do.
Retired but active
The question “are you retired” is asked quite often and I answer no. Did you know that Donald Trump is nearly my age and now Joe Biden is slightly older and running the free world? Prince Charles is set to become King Of England at 78. Rupert Murdock and Warren Buffet are well past eighty and still contributing to society they show by example that age is no barrier.
This is not a reflection on personalities it shows that age is not a barrier.
Money does not remove the incentive
The richest men in the world continue to work. Elon Musk is trying to save our planet and all the top 10 companies have working heads. Even Bill and Melinda Gates manage a business to give their money away.
Money is not the objective it is personal satisfaction in achievement. A goal we should all recognize.
Remember that age is just a number. Your attitude is fixed within you and totally in your control.
You can't count the years left because it is out of your control.
However, you can plan to get the very best out of them.
And finally, it is not about money it is about personal satisfaction and self-fulfillment.
Is Retirement the End or a beginning by Peter Hanley