Best email marketing campaigns

What are the Best email marketing campaigns and how do you go about them. This is not hit and miss but targeted customer acquisition at its best.

email campaigns really work

Sometime we say campaign and others campain however we are talking about the same thing.

There is no doubt that email delivers the greatest bang for the bucks when it comes to consistent marketing. I am also nominating Constant Contact as my provider of choice so that you will achieve the greatest results with the least problems.

Emails are a selling tool, a branding module, customer satisfaction service and a long term advertising medium.

Single emailsSales oriented
Automated seriesAutoresponder
Follow upHave the last say
NewslettersEvert one must have one
General communicationsJust to say Hi.
Bookings and appointmentsConfirmation
Cold mailNot spam but unwanted
Types of email

Your email format is important

Every email has a specific purpose in life and the construction lays around the result.

There are two sets of rules associated with your email dispatch that will make a massive difference to your results.

The start is Know, Like and Trust the basic principle of all selling.

First of all a large percentage of marketing emails sent will never be opened. The reason is that you are the unknown enemy trying to sell them something they don't want. Done badly they will unsubscribe on the initial contact leaving you without a potential customer.

Secondly if they don't like what you represent or who you are you are again, dead in the mail box.

Finally if you have not established trust then the party is over, no sale no future contact.

Help me start my emails

Let's consider two important elements.
The introduction:
If they know you this is fine, you have a small chance of being noticed among the trash. if you are unknown it is more difficult.
I comb my emails every morning by hitting the delete button and only keeping the few I want. I might not open you today because your product is not on top of my list. However you will hang around for another day.

That is unless your subject line is so beguiling I can not possibly refuse it

Therefore the subject line is as important as the from line.

You might get an email from a business that you know but it does not really attract your attention on the day.
The subject line reads along the lines of ” Your commission attached” Email is opened immediately.

The art of the promise.

Imagine I read your email today and it finishes with a small PS.

Look out for my next email because You can win tickets to the Basket ball.
We all love free tickets particularly if they are hard to get so the email will be opened.
They might say one day 50% off or any other compelling offer in an exclusive deal.

Make a promise and keep to the promise

Cold emails that work

Cold emailing can be considered spam and you could be in trouble with the law makers.

One method I have used is to cold call businesses with the simple request, “Can I send you an email explaining how X could work for you”. In fact I even hired low cost labour in India to do this
for me. For a few hundred dollars I developed a list of thousands to work on.
OK you then need to work on the numbers but you have eliminated those really not interested early.

Every email needs to excite you

Some of my inbox today none of which I opened however they all have compelling reasons from the best known marketing organisations.

An email example.

As I write this we are still in COVID country (Australia) . A cargo ship entered our port this week and the federal advisors emailed to the local government that a couple of passengers had an elevated temperature. This was on Friday morning.
On Tuesday morning a whistle blower alerted the locals to check their mail. By this time nearly 20 crew members could be diagnosed as having the Corona virus.
The email address was correct, in fact they cc'd to three others, the sender was correct however the subject line was non urgent thus it was not acted on.

The subject line needs to really excite a reader to take action.

Again in a Radio press conference this day the panel were discussing emails to them.
Yes I get hundreds everyday and they just get a cursory glance before I delete them was the general opinion.

I conclude this section by assuring you that emails do work it is just you must work at getting them opened.

Best email marketing campaigns need to be tested.

Emails and testing

It is easy to select a small percentage of your base and send a test. You can then look at results and make a decision based on those that open the mail.
However you then send the same mail but change the opportunity line to those that did not open the first mail. This will give you an idea of the most successful headline.
I do this regularly to get a better result in those that open a mail. Without an open you have nothing.
Finally it is a percentage result you are looking for, not everyone will ever open a mail because for many reasons. If you sent a thousand and got a 25% response you have 250 customers to target.

The click result with your email

First of all is the opening then comes the Click. How many want more information and are the hot responses.

Of your 250 opens perhaps we get 20% click on a link. Hey we now have 50 people to call and complete the sale. If you are selling Tractors one sale would be a good result. If we are selling a $100 margin then 20% would return you $1000
When your client is a recurring billing client that makes $25 a month over three years you have a life time value of $8700 for your effort.

The unsubscribe or don't bug me clients

Don't fret those that disappear from your list. We have an unsubscribe link by law but also as a list cleaning button. It is no good flogging a dead horse, you are just wasting resources.
However many will neither click or unsubscribe because the reader takes the easy road of just deleting you every time a mail arrives. You can pick these up from your carrier and remove them yourself.

Best email marketing campaigns and open rates

So your email is opened what is next?

How to Get Started in Email Marketing

Your subscribers are looking for something to help their life. They don't really care about you so make sure the centre of attention is them and how their day can be improved.

In your first email you really need to identify yourself, what you do and why you believe you can make their life a whole lot better.
We talked about know, like and Trust formula and this is the first step in relationship building. We deal with people we like so you have only a few seconds to establish rapport or they are gone.
You are not selling anything but yourself and getting that bonding on the road.

Moving on to interest

This is the next step in the dance, as well as interest it is also the LIKE waltz where you need to dig deeper into the journey.

We can tell how we have helped others and changed their lives with our you beaut program. Some testimonials are good plus a few images of a happy place, no selling, no prices just how great you are and why they should really like you and want more.

Always be closing no matter where you are in a sequence

Now, I have not gone mad and bought in a whole new place in the script against all I have said, we are not selling anything here.

However people are ready to jump at different times and you need to be there to catch them.
For instance someone gets your first email and they jump up excitedly and loudly declare “this is exactly what I have been looking for”. They don't want to wait another day or another email they want it now.
Therefore click on the big red button that says buy it now, or ring the phone number boldly displayed or even email for details and we will immediately oblige.

There is an old saying in selling theory that when someone says yes then you shut up and deliver.

Take them out of the sequence and park them elsewhere, probably your newsletter.

best email format

I really like you.

But do I trust you enough to buy from you?
This becomes the conversion time to move them forward to make a decision.
Again, this is no mean feat but you can help in many ways to move your readers to buyers.
Every business is different however the strategy is the same. Give them an overwhelming offer to make a decision today.
Limited time, special offer, limited stock, with a bonus.
You have spent time on being known you have their interest in what you do, they are looking to trust you enough to buy something. This requires the proverbial sledgehammer approach. A light tap first up, a gentle push then hit em between the eyes with something they can't refuse.

If all this fails move them to a different campaign.

Your newsletter is a long term email

I believe your newsletter is a very valuable asset that costs little, is easy to do and will generate income for years to come.
However it is not a selling media it is purely entertainment and information that will keep your list active and faithful for the next round of purchasing.

You can do a newsletter weekly, fortnightly or monthly but at least one of these and no longer.

You need to have your readers interested in the content and ready for the next issue. To do this tell them what is coming up and make it exciting so it gets opened.
Furthermore don't forget the buying button for those ready for action.

I had a guy ring me recently, he said I have been getting your emails for about 12 months now and just worked out I really need what you have, deal sold.

Using an Autoresponder to best effect

An autoresponder sends out pre-written emails over a period of time to a single customer in a designated group.

I market to small business but they vary in what they need. A Tyre service is very different to a pastry house yet they are both small businesses.
When I get a new tyre service client I put them in that email series. Same format, introduction, product, uses, how it will help and close. It might be a 5-6 email series or even a 10-15 email series depending on my offer.
At the conclusion they get included in my newsletter base. Sometimes I will think of a tyre promotion and send that list a single email. I might use it as a trial site to see what openings I get but it is always there.

Every new subscriber should go into an autoresponder series first up. The series will be on a product of interest and take them on a journey.
Remember you do the emails once and use them over a long time so you are not having to rewrite them everyday

Personalized is always a winner

You can't always do this but where possible use the first name of the subscriber to make a big difference in your open rates. We all like to be recognized and this one works really well.
In fact it can make a difference to your results that will surprise you

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We finish by reminding you of what a powerful media emailing can be.
It is quick to do, easy to format, all your analytics are available to ensure you
are doing it the best possible way.
Therefore use trial and error at every opportunity

Best email marketing campaigns
Peter Hanley

Best email marketing campaigns by Peter Hanley

Best bulk email sender

Peter Hanley

I have been in business for many years and the internet to find ways to grow your business faster

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