What is the best place to build a website for free and attract readers? There are a few good free ideas and a lot of bad ones.
Are free websites any good
Of course, a free website can be good but let's look at why you want a free site and if it suits you.
Blogger by WordPress
This is a free site and is used by many people for a personal experience. There is training and templates so getting to square one is easy.
However, it is not designed for commercial use and WordPress owns all the material. So if you want to move away all your effort is wasted.
Plus it uses a shared platform that slows the system down and brings your whole SEO rating down with it. This makes page one position but a dream.
Why free and cheap websites are bad for you
Let's face facts if it is free it must come with issues. It costs money to store data, provide support, include high-grade security, and run a fast service. The money must be recouped somewhere so that eventually is going to be you.
What is your website going to do?
Social. writing about you, your life your love of food
Commercial. Selling products and marketing. product reviews and comparisons
Affiliate site. Answering questions and solving problems, blogging.
Business site for exposing your business to a wide audience
Charity. Providing a public service
There are many ways to build a website and there are different outcomes that you expect. But having a plan at the start and knowing where you are going is essential to success.
What is the best place to build a website for free and what are the options
Your best free website option
Now you know what you want to achieve picking a free host is easier. Or it should be but other responsibilities need to be considered.
Google is the field moderator and he makes certain rules that must be considered to be found in a search term on your hosted site
This is where everything starts and finishes. It is the words or phrase that is uttered or written to find your site among the billion others.
Finding you within a search term must happen quickly or the search will be abandoned and all will be lost
All posts have a level of security to protect them from outside interference. Your host must have a minimum HTTPS level of introduction. Or otherwise known as SSL security. This is also known as Spam blocking.
When things go bad can you get someone to help, and can this be done 24-7? The world is a big place and time differences should not impact your support level.
Information ownership.
This is a very important, and often overlooked option. You should have the ability to move your work at any time to anywhere if you are unhappy with your carrier. Many of the cheap options simply won't let you go.
Included Advertising
Some carriers have the right to advertise on your site and have access to all the income derived from it. This is a way of paying for your cheap hosting. However, it will reflect adversely on your work.
Writing in WordPress or Template building
Looking for the best theme explained
WordPress is used by more websites that anything else. Plus it is now a block builder so all the guesswork, coding, or outside contributions are included. It is my personal choice but others prefer a more contained experience.
This can be found at Wealthy Affiliate and a host of other sites where you are contained within a template. It has many benefits for the new player because it is designed to be easy if you are good at creating visual images.
Furthermore, WordPress comes with many free and paid plugins to help your journey
for those wanting a video instruction
Take a training experience on a free site
Building a website takes a bit of knowledge and expertise although it has gotten a lot easier over time. I started with a free site at Wealthy Affiliate where I got all the training I needed and practiced all the procedures that you need to go through.
When I was happy I moved to a professional paid site that offered everything for my affiliate business.
Another method is to take a very cheap site like BlueHost that tops many of the user requirements. As you grow of course your payments will increase with your needs.
\Finally is Blogger.com but only for the most desperate for all the reasons above
If your website hosting is free it is too expensive
You are going to spend a lot of time writing and building a business and it is a shame to waste all that effort. Sites close down, go out of business, increase their rates, ad advertising, limit your words, and throttle your pages creating slow opening speeds.
The best website builder for 2022-23
This is the one that offers you everything in one package. Each has its benefits depending on what you want to achieve. As we said you need to know exactly what you want to achieve and chose your host to best accommodate your needs.
Don't get confused with the 20 best hosting of 2022 and spend days wondering what others are doing.
Search with strict fundamentals in mind so that your choice will accommodate your needs and not what you are being sold.
Finally, you have been given a checklist for your new website selection. However, start with the end in mind, and don't get caught trying to pinch a few pennies and destroy any chance you have of success.
Therefore free is far too expensive.