Define Fud and is it important. Cutting to the chase this one anomaly is hurting countless groups across the world so what should you know
What the heck is Fud
Fud is an acronym for Fear, uncertainty and doubt.
This is a ploy used by marketers, businesses and governments to shift attention away from the real issue.
This process is evident every single day across every channel as you are herded in a direction
that they want you to travel.
Give me an example of Fud
Probably the best to come to mind in recent times is the tobacco industry and complete denial on the harmful effects of cigarette smoking.
The nicotine industry was so big that any decrease in revenue was a massive amount.
The tobacco companies denied all science and used every available strategy to cloud the waters of doubt.
They denied that smoking was addictive, that it caused health problems and in fact killed people at a massive rate every day.
Uncertainty was pressed at every opportunity and corrupt scientific evidence was provided
at every possible level.
Despite massive action against the industry they still prevail across the globe in selling a harmful product that continues to Kill.
A recent example that applies today
Global warming and the effects of fossil fuel burning is a massive issue we face at this time. Yet, prestigious organisations still deny the existence of a problem and cloud us with uncertainty and doubt.
Why would they do this you may well ask? money and greed is the answer. There is so much money tied up in burning fuels that they don't want it to stop.
The burning of brown coal is an example. This is an obsolete technology of high carbon emissions. Yet coal mines are still being opened and coal burning continues. There are far cleaner energy sources available however it is a cost over return.
They now bury the impurities and claim the problem is solved, however it exists as strong as ever.
At this day a 150 Nobel Laureates are presenting to the world leaders G7 conference and saying:
As our statement says: “Time is running out to prevent irreversible changes. The long-term potential of humanity depends upon our ability today to value our common future. Ultimately, this means valuing the resilience of societies and the resilience of earth's biosphere.”
Prof, Brian Schmidt
This flies in the face of many countries who outwardly promote that the fossil fuel industry is safe and being well managed. They try to cheapen the science and provide uncertainty in the actions being proposed as expensive and unnecessary.
Global warming is a fact backed by science and ignored by the international news outlets.
Define Fud and is it important. Is it about money?
Is it all about the money?
Profit comes before principal.
The problem is that the biggest industries stand to loose money so fight the hardest.
Oil gas and coal industries
Motor vehicles
These and a few more want the status quo to remain as it is. Change will affect their income.
Therefore they will spread uncertainty and doubt at any cost.
Define Fud and is it important. Change is coming
Block Chain technology is a change phenomenon
There is no doubt that Block Chain and Bitcoin technology will challenge the ways data transfer has been handled in the past.
It is happening now, across a range of industries that are using it for alternate reasons.
The rise of technology now happens in fast motion because of the ease of communication.
To this day many try and downplay the importance of the crypto industry. Look anywhere and you will see negative press and reports of doomsday. Believe me the technology behind Block Chain is with us forever. What's more it will become part of our every day life.
Crypto Currencies explained
Look back in Anger
Did Hitler rule by FUD, how else could you get people to believe that mass slaughter was the right thing to do. It is not a new invention, it has been around since the start of time.
The Vietnam war was perpetrated on a communist invasion of the Western World. Was it really so? or was it invented to play games with peoples lives.
Even the 9/11 crisis of the World Trade Centre in New York. Look it up and you will see reports that the US organised it to strike at the Taliban with hysteric approval.
Define Fud and is it important, how we make a difference
We can be different
Over time we can hopefully become better informed of the real truth and not be pedalled by self interest groups. I was a climate change sceptic. It was seasonal and how could an intelligent world do this damage to the society in which we live.
Research found the answer and absolutely alarmed me in how hostile the opposition is.
Intelligent people bending to the rules of those wanting to maintain the financial benefits bestowed on them.
In Australia three prime ministers have been bought down because of Fud. They failed to see investor sentiment around global warming, they believed the false signals therefor bringing a voter backlash.
Seeing the light is often difficult
What is true against false reporting is hard to abstain.
It appears that when the world press is the loudest in condemnation the reverse is true.
No I am not a conspiracist, in fact, quite the opposite however many of my beliefs have been shattered. Global greed is alarming therefore the damage is becoming extensive.
It is often an argument between social benefit and financial gain. The loudest voice always wins and that is paid for by the recipients.
It is often a case in reverse, this is when self interest groups campaign against progress.
This is the NIMBY theory (not in my backyard) where activists scream to save a rare turtle nest that stops a major development.
The reasoning sounds plausible however the results are not justified.
I was involved in an oil drilling operation in the dessert, native title is always an issue and a long road to solve.
The oil company flagged a wide area of operation to explore, this was immediately denied as it would upset the ancestors. The oil company tried to negotiate without any success.
They quietly asked if the attached area would be acceptable which was readily accepted because it had no value.
Well, actually, this was the area they wanted in the first place so drilling went on as planned.
Don't get me wrong here, native title is important however when it is based on financial returns and not on historic considerations the rules are different.
Define Fud and is it important and your role in the puzzle
What is your role in this riddle
You need to be realistically informed, make your decisions based on logic and not emotional concepts. Look for reputable experts that are not linked to major news outlets. Those that are paid to pedal trash are to be ignored.
It is not an easy road because the experts have the expertise to confuse the issue.
How a simple statement can cloud an issue.
An example of this can be seen in the following story.
Greta Thunberg went to the US to front the world trade on environmental concerns.
As a point of difference Greta was offered a lift in a solar powered yacht, planes were considered unfriendly to the sky's at that time.
It was a nice touch, if not unnecessary, but it helped to deliver a message.
However the message was ruined by the world press loudly flagging that two crew members of the yacht were flown back to Sweden.
That one act was the headline to confuse the whole issue.
We don't want to stop development we want improvement
Remember when a telegram was the best and fastest form of communication. Then we had a fax that was so much better and now smart phones dominate the scene with greater abilities than were thought possible.
The landline telephone system was an absolute Godsend across the globe. Now almost a feature of the past.
The internet gave us so much freedom with speeds of 4-5 Mbps we were on fire. Now anything under 100 Mbps is too slow.
We have transitioned from copper connection to fibre and now to satellite coverage of the world. The province of the rich to a product available anywhere.
Electricity is seeing a change that will soon escalate to natural resources without the need for coal, oil or gas being used.
Solar, wind, water, air (hydrogen) and storage facilities will take over. They will provide a better service at a cheaper price and the natural resources can stay in the ground.
Interestingly electricity has been around for over one hundred years so maybe a time for change.
Flying in planes will change and again hydrogen as a source of power is being trialed. However we have grown from 80 seat planes to ones with over 850 passengers that take a fraction of the time to commute between destinations.
What can we do to stop Global Warming
The goal is to be better at less cost and zero pollution
Not a dream but a reality in the making. The Tesla EV is an example of what can be done.
A better and safer car at a reasonable cost and zero pollution. Is it worthwhile? Every car manufacturer is now following suit as well as recreational vehicles and heavy haulage.
The list is long however my message is simple.
Finally, Listen with your head and not your heart and make decisions on fact and not media.
Define Fud and is it important by Peter Hanley