The Real Reason You’re Struggling to Make Sales (and How to Fix It)

The Real Reason You’re Struggling to Make Sales (and How to Fix It). This is a problem that plagues even the best operators

The Real Reason You’re Struggling to Make Sales (and How to Fix It)

Why You’re Struggling to Make Sales

1. You’re Not Differentiating Yourself

In a crowded market, blending in is a recipe for getting overlooked. If you’re promoting a product or service that dozens (or hundreds) of others are promoting too, why should anyone choose you? That’s a tough question, but it’s at the heart of why your sales might be suffering.Solution: Find your unique angle. It could be your personal story, a special offer, or a unique way you engage with your audience. Figure out what makes you different and shout it from the rooftops. People want to feel like they’re getting something special—so give them a reason to choose you over everyone else.

    2. You’re Not Using Testimonials Effectively

    You might have the best product in the world, but if you’re the only one talking about it, it’s an uphill battle to build trust. People are naturally skeptical, and they want proof that what you’re offering actually works. That’s where testimonials come in.Solution: Don’t just say the product is great—prove it. Share testimonials from satisfied customers, highlight success stories, and let other people’s experiences do the convincing for you. Michael Cheney’s followers, for example, are always posting glowing reviews and success stories. Why? Because his methods work, and people love to talk about results.

    3. You’re Not Following a Proven System

    If you’re just winging it, hoping something sticks, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Many affiliate marketers struggle because they don’t have a clear roadmap—they try a little of this, a little of that, but nothing gets the attention it needs to really take off.Solution: Follow a proven system. Don’t reinvent the wheel—find a strategy that has worked for others and commit to it. Michael Cheney’s systems have helped countless marketers grow their businesses, and his followers aren’t guessing—they’re using tried-and-true methods. The key is consistency. Stick to one strategy and work it until you see results.

      The Pain of Watching Others Succeed

      We’ve all been there—watching others in your industry succeed while you’re left wondering what they’re doing that you aren’t. It’s painful, and it can make you doubt yourself. But here’s the thing: the people who are succeeding aren’t necessarily smarter, luckier, or more talented than you. They’ve just figured out a system that works and committed to it.

      The good news? You can do the same. It’s not about hustling harder—it’s about working smarter and leveraging the tools and resources that are already out there.

      Q&A: How to End the Struggle

      Q: I’ve tried different approaches, but nothing is working. Should I keep pushing or switch things up?
      A: If you’ve been inconsistent, stick with one proven approach and give it the time it needs to work. If you’ve been doing the same thing for a long time without results, it might be time to pivot. The key is to evaluate what’s not working—if it’s your messaging, your audience, or your offer, adjust accordingly. But don’t quit before you’ve given a solid strategy a real shot.

      Q: How can I get people to trust what I’m promoting?
      A: Trust comes from social proof. Highlight testimonials, case studies, or success stories from others who have used the product. People are more likely to buy when they see that others like them have benefited from it. Don’t be shy about sharing glowing reviews—they are your best sales tool.

      Q: What’s the biggest mistake people make when trying to make sales?
      A: The biggest mistake is lack of focus. Many marketers try to do too many things at once instead of mastering one strategy. Focus on one offer, one audience, and one message until you get it right. Only then should you start branching out.

      Final Thoughts: Time to End the Struggle

      The pain of struggling in sales is real, but it doesn’t have to last. By differentiating yourself, leveraging social proof, and sticking to a proven system, you can start seeing real results. Remember, it’s not about how hard you’re working—it’s about using the right strategies to work smarter.

      Image of the author

      It’s time to stop feeling the pain and start seeing the progress. Follow what works, focus your efforts, and watch those sales roll in!

      The Real Reason You’re Struggling to Make Sales (and How to Fix It) by Peter hanley

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      The Real Reason You’re Struggling to Make Sales (and How to Fix It)

      Peter Hanley

      I have been in business for many years and the internet to find ways to grow your business faster