Should I write a post every day

Should I write a post every day or every week or even every month and does Google care anyway. The answer will surprise you

When is the best time to post?

Should I write a post everyday

The answer is really simple because it is as many as you can and as often as you can. It takes Google some time to recognise you as an authority source so the more you post the better the results you will see. It should also be noted that a blog takes at least seven months to really rank on Google So you will never see immediate results.

However, as your posts and great keywords start to get to the leading page you will understand what is happening.
Therefore if you write a post every month you will not see a lot of action, every day will give you a far greater chance at success.

How long should your blog post be

This has certainly changed over time and Google has really done a three-sixty on this. We were always counting words and they went out as far as three thousand at one time to a recent average of fourteen hundred words in a post.

The latest is a five-minute read. This is just under 1000 words as the most appropriate blog length.

We are catering to the attention deficit that wants answers and wants them now so a shorter read will satisfy more readers.

How well your keyword ranks is more important than volume

You could in fact write one post and attract a large readership if you get everything right. However, Google has changed how it ranks your posts so you must change with them.

The problem here is that Google and Bing are different in their approach. Whilst Bing and Yahoo have remained with exact match keywords our friends at Google now look at user intent.

  • Do they want to buy something?
  • Go somewhere?
  • Make a booking?
  • Supply a relevant answer to a question.

Supplying a relevant answer requires the best use of keywords because in many cases it is a longtail answer. The use of Mobile communication has become more prevalent and people tend to be really explicit in what they want.

When is the best time to write a post?

Because this is asked a lot in forums I link it with how often to post and give a similar answer. The best time is really individual because we all have our priorities.
First of all, it should be at a time when you have minimal interruptions. It is not a long process to jot out a thousand words even if you are a one-finger typist like me.
I find that weekends are slower than weekdays so Monday to Thursday is the best.

Preparing your keywords makes writing a blog every day easier

Should I write a post every day

I can't shout louder than Keywords matter! Get this right and you are almost home and hosed.
use terms like;

Why does, why don't and should I to start a conversation. Think about what the average person will ask Siri and then compose your answer around that.
Having a list of Keywords sets up a path for quick writing. You don't have to go searching for traffic words that have little competition.

You can use a Keyword tool like Jaaxy to do the work for you and this is free with a Wealthy Affiliate program.

Remember you are trying to satisfy two masters in Google and Bing so you really need to be on point.

I should note that the old art of Keyword stuffing is no longer a viable process. Use it once every three hundred words to get a good balance. However, use similar words in your subheadings to increase readership.


In this case, more is certainly better but we all have restraints that inhibit the process so don't let it worry you.
If you get your Keyword structure right and provide a great answer you will rate your socks off even with a blog a week..

Should I write a post every day by Peter Hanley

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Peter Hanley

I have been in business for many years and the internet to find ways to grow your business faster