An amazing way to make money

An amazing way to make money when you are sitting back on the couch and someone does all the work for you, this is really unique

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Passive income internet style

We all know about passive income, this is when you put your money to work for you. You might buy a house and rent it out or have a large share portfolio or even money on deposit that earns a good interest rate.
However, this is mostly for the very well-to-do that have money laying around they need to do something with.
The rest of us are struggling to pay bills let alone think about investments.

But what if you could do this with just a small amount of money and make a big return?

Get someone to manage your portfolio

When you rent a property you often have a property manager, the same goes with a share portfolio where you get advice and help to make the best decisions. However, you are always in control of your future because you make the overriding decisions.

What One Millionaire has done is set up a done-for-you system where they do all the hard work and you oversee the operation.

I work full time on the internet and realise that we all need several forms of income. Things go bad and change and if you rely on just one income source you can be wiped out in a few days. This happened recently with the Crypto market where fortunes were lost overnight. I was lucky to escape the carnage but it got me thinking about better ways to gain a secure income.

Making money on the Internet is easy

An amazing way to make money

Yes, it is easy to make money on the Internet.
You need a product that people want and are prepared to pay for
A way to present it to the market. Like a Webpage, Funnel or squeeze page
A hungry audience that visits your site and releases the purse strings

A pretty simple formula that many have made very profitable but with a catch.
Most make money for themselves and are not willing to share the method for fear of being taken over by others doing the same thing.

A spammers gold mine

There are a lot of very slick marketers seeking your money. They love to take but rarely if ever give back so there is a minefield of bad deals that you must avoid at all costs. They look good with glossy images and big promises to make easy money. No experience is needed, just a few minutes a day is all that is required and endless wealth is yours.

I searched for the answer

Among the many offers, I wanted one that had a very good chance of success. It had to be from a successful entrepreneur with a long time on the internet. No newcomers welcome. A background of achievement and a will to help others.
The answer came from a guy called Michael Cheney. He screams about his millionaire status achieved over 20 years, of marketing affiliate programs on the internet and the award he has won along the way.
Importantly he says that his role is to help others achieve the same success.
Michael has the evergreen product and builds you a new-age webpage that will capture email addresses. They then get a new email delivered every day for 40 days or until they sign.
There is more.
He also loads your platform with some customers so you start earning money from day one.

An amazing way to make money and your future rolled out.

You have a role to play in your future

Whilst all the heavy lifting is done you are expected to help build a larger customer base. Using Social Media and other unique ideas your efforts will help the rate at which you grow. The target is $10,000 a month to start however the top is unlimited as you advance with the system. Michael wants Millionaires and you could be one of them.

An amazing way to make money

If this sounds like something that would interest you log in and have a look around. Of course, it is not for everyone and if you move on we will understand. But, for those wanting to make life that whole lot better maybe this is the go.


My aim is simply to excite you to a real possibility and for you to make it into a possibility.
Finally, nothing ventured nothing gained.

An amazing way to make money by Peter Hanley

When Fear stops good decisions

The best tools to make money as an affiliate marketer

Peter Hanley

I have been in business for many years and the internet to find ways to grow your business faster