Making fast money

Making fast money without moving off the couch This and some other great lies and a simple truth for your future

The absolute lure of fast money

Making fast money

We all have times of need, money is short and there are essentials to buy. if only there was a real Rainbow.

The people that have the answers are all around you. Online betting agencies will give you great odds if you just open an account with them.
Then they will ply you with endless opportunities to make real money with just a few bets. It can be done but have a look at their advertising budget. It is probably bigger than the national debt plying you with sucker bait. If that is not good enough look at the balance sheet. They are not there to give you money, they are there to take it from you.

I once flew into Los Vegas and the Captain of the plane announced ‘ See that big armoured truck outside the casino down there? It is there to take money out not bring it in.” That says it all.

What about Payday lenders and interest-free payments? They ply you with cheap money because they know that most of you will mess up and fall into a high-interest bracket. You are short of money and the odds are you will stay there.

Quick cash

Gather up anything you don't use and put it on eBay or a similar service. Turn trash into treasure. You can even wander the streets picking up other people's trash and selling it online.
Everything has a buyer it is only the price that makes it move.

A friend of mine hires out clothing. The target is young women and weekend wear. They love brands so an outfit can return value very quickly.

The share market and crypto trading

Unfortunately, both of these require a long-term vision except for the day traders and currency players.
You must have an understanding of what you are doing because this is a reward v risk playground.
The market is moved by the big players in a direction they choose and not one that might suit you.
Personally, I like a Crypto play but a lot have lost their pants in recent times. BitCoin will rise again but timing is necessary because
it is very erratic.
Go to YouTube and follow some of the better experts but follow carefully and balance the advice given.

Learn a trade

Social media is such a big area most businesses have a complete lack of understanding and don't use it as well as they can.
Learning all about one media can be done in a few weeks by taking online courses and putting in some long hours. It can be a minimal cost but give you good exposure to a single product.
You then go shopping at local, businesses and charge them for your new-found expertise. The beauty of this is repeat business. When they see it working you have a contract forever and charging high rates.
My daughter did this and now has a highly-paid position at an advertising agency because of her Facebook speciality.

Most online pursuits take time

There are ample online opportunities but may take time to build a following and gather support. Blogging for instance offers many great avenues to make excellent money but it is usually a 12-month build-up.

You need customers, products and a volume of work to get a look in.

Taking the shortcut

One way to fast money is by hanging on the shirt tail of those that have achieved success. However, you will need to make an investment in time and money. The more time you put in the less the cost and vice versa. Put in money and save time.

Nothing is ever guaranteed but at least you have a greater than fair chance of success. Below is a link to a Michael Cheney course that will deliver results. I use this and so do many top-line marketers.

Get Instant Access

Michael has been in the market for over 20 years, made a lot of money and introduced countless courses over time.

Beware of the fast money promises

The internet is a world of scams, they are there to make money and take your money.

The lure of easy money will be displayed and you will require no experience and little work to buy a new car or home.
One of these a company called Mobe had an entry price of about $49 but the upsells went right through to over $100,000. It was very well produced but eventually labelled a pyramid scheme, the promoter went to jail and the shareholders did their dough.

It was so well presented that it captured even some of the smarter minds yours truly included. ( I only lost my $49 as I bailed early)

These presentations are slick, well produced and offer unbelievable results but deliver next to nothing.

This is my stark warning to quick money chasers, don't waste your time or currency on scams.

Learning the fast way

One program that offers a full training schedule and the opportunity to make money is Wealthy Affiliate.
I have been a member for several years and ranked in the top contributors because of my application to the
members and the program in total.
There is no better value to be gathered and there are no crazy upsells and extras. However, it will take a time commitment before you
start making money.
There are many people, just like you in an active forum answering questions and providing all levels of support.


Fast, easy money is mostly a pipe dream. Work out what you want and plan a journey to make money over the long term.
Fix your budget and live within your means while building on yourself. Then you have a future.

Making fast money by Peter Hanley

Where internet money is hidden

Making fast money

Passive income

Peter Hanley

I have been in business for many years and the internet to find ways to grow your business faster