Do you need to update old posts or are they always valid

Do you need to update old posts or are they always valid. Google demands new and current content so yes updating is necessary.

Change is inevitable so stay up to date with a current version

Google wants current content and will rank you on the authenticity of the content so going back in time will re flame some of your old content.

Examples could be for the past four years we have had President Trump and now past president Trump and President Joe Biden.

It is a minor change yet important if your writing is about that period of time.

I did a post on the best social media of 2020 back in 2019. However I managed to totally ignore TikTok as irrelevant. To me at the time it did not really feature in a volume contributor so how wrong is my content.

The young set are now all over this media like a twitter of the past.

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Your understanding changes over time

If I look at my blogs from past years I can quickly pick up faults in my setup and how they are presented. Times change and I trust I am a better writer now than I was two years ago, In fact we really should get better with time and practice.

If you want to understand a lot more check out the free training at Wealthy Affiliate where everything can be explained in as much detail as you desire.

I use Yoast SEO as a guide

Do you need to update old posts or are they always valid

When I started I swapped between Allinone SEO and Yoast SEO. Everyone has a different opinion so I tried both. Yoast has taken over the market and got me onside for several reasons.

  1. The writing guide makes sure your content is set in such a way that Google will rate it well
Do you need to update old posts or are they always valid

To achieve all green stars needs a bit of thought to the way Yoast wants things and the way I do. However he is way smarter than me so I take his advise and won't publish unless I get 9/10 score.
It is interesting to apply this to old posts where I used All In One.

Content is not everything however it is important

Do you need to update old posts or are they always valid

We say this because there are so many things to do for your content to be read. SEO will determine who gets a page one position so unless you have that correct you are going nowhere.

Your content needs to be original and not just a ripoff and believe me Google knows.

Do you need to update old posts or are they always valid using SEO to help

An average SEO report

Do you need to update old posts or are they always valid

As you can see I have quite a few red blobs, in fact nearly half of them need a change. Don't panic because my way is to go through these at the end of my post and make the appropriate changes
My point is that there are a lot of things to consider and change in even the best post.

These are things you can do at any time to bring the post up to date. However each red mark says to Google that you are not the expert opinion that they seek.

A first page listing is not just important it is necessary

The amount of search traffic that is seen past page two is under 10%. Furthermore it goes down quickly as you go deeper into the mire.

Therefore if you are not on page one of your Keyword search term you need to change.
However you can not change your header unless you want to loose all history on that post.
Technically you could use 401 diverts but it is not recommended.

Google loves change but that does not apply to headlines. However you can go to town on subheads and similar topics.

Using Google search consul

Is authority really necessary in blogging

One useful method of viewing results is to go into Google Search Consul and compare this year with last year and see which way the tilt is playing.
Searches increasing maybe leave it alone, decreasing then do a bit of a tune up.

Learn from others

This advice comes from Neil Patel of Uber suggest fame where he stated if you are not ranking in the first three free positions find out who is.

Have a look at the sites and see what they are doing properly and what you can do to match up with them. This is not to plagiarize what they have written but something has got them to first page. Make the changes to emulate their success, they are on page one because they are good, it might be age, experience, content it matters not you have everything going for you

Aiming for a 1300 word post

Calm down big fella, why 1300 words when I struggle to make half that. If that is your response you need to extend yourself and write longer posts. Google ranks 1300 as a lower level guide for the site content. Yes you can vary up to 3000 words or down to 800 or so however it needs to answer a question and deliver a result with proof and explanation.

My next post will be how to write longer posts so have a look at the top right list of posts and it should be there for you.

Do you need to update old posts or are they always valid with 9 ways to win

9 ways to increase blog traffic by updating old posts

Taking my own advice I did a search on a similar title and Neil Patel was first with another expert in second place. The third had the above headline. Google does like numbers and lists so I had a look at what was on offer.

ImagesAdding relevant images is positive
KeywordsUse synonyms
Related postsOutbound links
Renew old titlesNot your main one
Write more wordsTarget +1000
Delete any spam commentsSeek better comments
Proof readGet rid of spelling mistakes
Improve contentBe the expert
Update and reuse the postGenerally tidy things up
This is the general list however it is far from complete.
Alt title on all picturesAN important part of SEO
Seek good commentsComments add to the word count
Use colourIn Words and background
Improve your meta titleThe attention getter
Have a call to actionTell them what you want
Add categories and tagsDraw them in
Using a heading imageAttention getter

The start of a long list of things you can do.

Branding is necessary in your blogging

This is one item that many ignore however it is right up there with your Keyword selection.

When people know you and begin to like you a trust position is developed and when it is a selection you will come out on top every time. In your early days of blogging that position will not be well developed and in fact usually ignored. As you grow and build your brand it becomes more important than ever. By going back you have a chance to reinforce the branding.

My conclusion on updating

When I started this post it was reflection on my own past and I had let it ride for too long. My thought was to look at a few things to change and set myself a target of two old sites a day.
However what was I going to change so I jotted down a few ideas and made it into a post I could share with you.
Neil Patel is fanatical about change and has a team of people updating 20 sites a day and another writing new material, he ranks very well so he must have something going on.

Finally I do recommend Yoast SEO for both new writers and old hands to ensure many of the green lights glow for you and you have a chance at great SEO.
It won't happen in a day, it is a journey that must be undertaken to rise to the top.

Do you need to update old posts or are they always valid by Peter Hanley

A chore maybe however a worthwhile result will follow.

Do you need to update old posts or are they always valid
Peter Hanley About me

Peter Hanley

I have been in business for many years and the internet to find ways to grow your business faster

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Rachel

    Wonderful article! You certainly highlighted the importance of staying up to date on your content and periodically going back and making any necessary changes are your own knowledge and even as the industry standards change. I hadn’t heard of Yoast SEO before, but seeing as they offer a breakdown of how to write and structure your content for posts, I think that’s absolutely fabulous. Just following the Wealthy Affiliate training isn’t enough to be able to understand AllInOne, at least for me, so I can see where Yoast is superior in terms of user friendliness.

    1. Peter Hanley

      Thanks Rachel.

      There are two camps on SEO one loves all in one and the other Yoast. Magic Studios is on the Yoast side.
      it is only a preference thing as both are good. I have tried both and am now a Yoast Pro person because of the extras. I think when you are starting out Yoast provides far more help and support than the other.

      You can swap without doing damage.

      Peter H

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